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need automatically delete Expired user

Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:15 pm

hello anyone
i use user-manager v5.17 on routerbord RB750GL. can i automatically delete Expired user by scrip ?. Please show me.
Thank you so much
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Re: need automatically delete Expired user

Sat Feb 23, 2013 9:37 pm

First, I do not use the built in user-manager, so use the following at your own risk...

I believe what you are looking to do can be accomplished with the following scheduled script set to run at regular intervals:
/tool user-manager user remove [find credit-left=00:00:00]
I find very little documentation on the user-manager command line syntax (most refers to web interface), so without the user-manager package installed I cannot say the above is 100% accurate, but it should be enough to get you were you need to be.
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Re: need automatically delete Expired user

Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:31 am

I created a script for the same exact problem, and so far it works like a charm (link at the bottom).

I run it nightly and so far never failed :)

Mind, I only tested it on 3.xx, so 4 and 5 are uncharted territory.

If you can test it on 5.xx and let me know, it would be great!