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ROS sntp client update

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:34 am
by WirelessRudy
When is MT considering to improve their time stamp update.
It is so counterproductive if the time is only updated when you log into the rb the first time after a reboot.
How can you know what happened when?

Some routers are forced to reboot by watchdog, some are done so by a power cycle of the client. Only later I log in but than I can't see when actually happened what.....

Why can't ros not made to update the time the moment it reboots?

Re: ROS sntp client update

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:13 pm
by ditonet
I've never noticed problem described by you.
Add logging for NTP

ros code

/system logging add action=memory disabled=no prefix="" topics=ntp,!packet
restart router, wait 20 minutes, then log-in and check NTP logs.