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Why Load-balancing script does’nt work ?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 7:53 pm
by eggnog
Load-balancing 1

According to the page , it’s easy to make a load balancing RouterOS.
After I try ten times , I never success.
I found the problem is [ :set R1] never set value for R1 in IF statement.
I am sure the tool netwatch is work,because netwatch show the status of R1 is down when I turn off the R1 router. And the run-count of system scripts show that the script haved been runned one time.Beause [ :set R1] never give value for R1,result of gateway=($R1 . , . $R2) also isn’t correct.If you replace gateway=,you can do /ip router print,and find the gateway was changed successful.
Can anybody can help me ? Thank you, Nick

/ip route add gateway=,
/system script set fo source={
:local R1
:local R2
:if ([/tool netwatch get R1 status]=up) do={:set R1}
:if ([/tool netwatch get R2 status]=up) do={:set R2}
/ip route set [/ip route find dst-address=] \
gateway=($R1 . , . $R2)
/tool netwatch add comment=R1 host= interval=5s up-script=fo \
/tool netwatch add comment=R2 host= interval=5s up-script=fo \

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:57 pm
by Eugene
These lines:
 :local R1
:local R2 
should be changed to the following:
 :local R1 ""
:local R2 "" 

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 7:21 pm
by eggnog
These lines:
 :local R1
:local R2 
should be changed to the following:
 :local R1 ""
:local R2 "" 
Thank you save my life.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:18 am
by maroon
guys i need your help in this issue,

does this example works as a failover too?

let's say grp1 works through GW1, grp2 works through GW2 (i'm taking this idea from an example on and if GW1 is down, so how can I let grp1 goes through GW2?

your help is more than highly appreciated
