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Use Proxy only for access control,not cache

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:49 pm
by xtrgeo

is it possible to use the proxy only for access control and NOT for caching?

Why i want to do that?
I have a 2GB memory card on my RB450G and have it all available for cache.
Cache contents has almost 4500 items.Connections are almost 250 and I also use a parent proxy. Do u think I have something in my configuration that makes my proxy slow?

Also, the memory of the RB450G is always in full load, almost 90%!Does it has to do with the proxy?


Re: Use Proxy only for access control,not cache

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:35 pm
by janisk
just disable caching by setting this:
/ip proxy set max-cache-size=none cache-on-disk=no 

Re: Use Proxy only for access control,not cache

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:03 am
by xtrgeo
Thnk u for that. The response time got a little better, but it still has some delay...maybe mikrotik's proxy cannot handle so many users at the same time or it's me having something wrong in my conf...