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ptp 2 SXT G-2HnD low bandwidth

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:05 pm
by marko1303
Bandwidth between 2 SXT G-2HnD routers is about 20Mbps. Distance is about 100m. What could be the problem?

side A:
name="wlan1-gateway" mtu=1500 mac-address=D4:CA:6D:6F:B0:DD arp=enabled 
      interface-type=Atheros AR92xx mode=bridge ssid="a" frequency=2422 
      band=2ghz-onlyn channel-width=20/40mhz-ht-below scan-list=default 
      wireless-protocol=nv2-nstreme wds-mode=disabled wds-default-bridge=none 
      wds-ignore-ssid=no bridge-mode=enabled default-authentication=yes 
      default-forwarding=yes default-ap-tx-limit=0 default-client-tx-limit=0 
      hide-ssid=no security-profile=default compression=no
Side B:
name="wlan1-gateway" mtu=1500 mac-address=D4:CA:6D:6D:68:9F arp=enabled 
      interface-type=Atheros AR92xx mode=station ssid="a" frequency=2412 
      band=2ghz-onlyn channel-width=20/40mhz-ht-below scan-list=default 
      wireless-protocol=any wds-mode=disabled wds-default-bridge=none 
      wds-ignore-ssid=no bridge-mode=enabled default-authentication=yes 
      default-forwarding=yes default-ap-tx-limit=0 default-client-tx-limit=0 
      hide-ssid=no security-profile=default compression=no

Re: ptp 2 SXT G-2HnD low bandwidth

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:36 am
by marko1303
This is better.

Re: ptp 2 SXT G-2HnD low bandwidth

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:37 am
by marko1303

Re: ptp 2 SXT G-2HnD low bandwidth

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:46 pm
by Neilson
Bandwidth between 2 SXT G-2HnD routers is about 20Mbps. Distance is about 100m. What could be the problem?
Too Much Power? check signal strength between the radios on the status page. If its above -60dBm then turn to advanced and go radio power - all rates fixed and take the power way down - maybe 10 - and see how it performs with signal strength of about -60

Also check your NV2 settings, make sure you have radius down to 10KM (the minimum)

Your setting NV2 Nstreme means prefer NV2 but allow Nstreme so NV2 settings on both ends are more relevant

Try that and let us know the results.

Also please go into advances mode and show us the screenshots of all the tabs that show up (hide any private info) and we can look and try help further.


Re: ptp 2 SXT G-2HnD low bandwidth

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:58 pm
by marko1303
Distance is 60m.

Re: ptp 2 SXT G-2HnD low bandwidth

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:59 pm
by marko1303

Re: ptp 2 SXT G-2HnD low bandwidth

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 3:00 pm
by marko1303

Re: ptp 2 SXT G-2HnD low bandwidth

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:01 pm
by marko1303
Does anyone have an idea?

Re: ptp 2 SXT G-2HnD low bandwidth

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:47 am
by lambert
The signals seem to be too strong, as suggested earlier. Did the received signal strength change when you changed the power settings?

I think some RouterBoards only use TX Power Mode = card rates. If the received power doesn't change when using TX Power Mode = all rates fixed, try card rates.

Can you lower the power any more? If not aim the radios away from each other, turn them 45 - 90 degrees or more, and see if you can get the signal strength into the -50 to -69 range. Then test your speed.

Re: ptp 2 SXT G-2HnD low bandwidth

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:50 pm
by marko1303
After upgrading from version 6.0 to 6.1 both routers are bricked. After that i bought SXT 5HPnD and everything is OK. Bandwidth is 97Mbps because on this routers is 100Mbps LAN.