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Groove A 52HPn radiation pattern and functionality

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 2:32 pm
by Stalker

I have few questions regarding to Groove A 52HPn routerboard:

1: What type of radiation pattern built-in antenna have (is it unidirecional)?
2: I want to connect this antenna to internet, and configure hotspot on it, to allow visiting only one site. Can i do it via Hotspot (does license Level 4 allows it?) or i have to configure firewall to redirect all requests to site I want to allow visiting?
3: what range can this antenna cover on open air?

Re: Groove A 52HPn radiation pattern and functionality

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:00 pm
by janisk
Groove A 52HPn is just that a router with attachable antenna, if you see this product sold with antenna you have to query the seller for more information about antenna specs.

regarding the device itself - it can be used as hotspot device as license allows to have AP configured.
more specs you can check on

about License level limitations you can find on (along with a lot of useful information about RouterOS capabilities and configuration possibilities)