Is it possible to configure a reverse dns lookup (dns server) on mikrotik v6.0 ?
Still answer is NO, the
not support query with types of records like "type=ptr".
WorkARound1 => Tracert to file, read last line and grab second parameter
execute {tool traceroute count=1 use-dns=yes} file=tracert.txt
put [file get tracert.txt contents ]
6 0% 1 0.6ms 0.6 0.6 0.6
WorkARound2 => Use HTTP API and grab second parameter
put ([tool fetch url=("\?q=") output=user as-value ] -> "data")
WorkARound3 => Geo IP from HTTP API (FREE, registration needed) and grab data from JSON format
local key "at_*********************";
local ip "";
put ([tool fetch url=("\?apiKey=".$key."&ipAddress=".$ip) output=user as-value ] -> "data")
{"ip":"","location":{"country":"US","region":"California","city":"Mountain View","lat":37.40599,"lng":-122.078514,"postalCode":"94043","timezone":"-08:00"}}
Remember to use "\?" if your URL have got a "?" inside.
Yes,Yes, I know that "sed" & "awk" & "
JSONparser" will be perfect :) and the ROSv7 will have all solutions included, new kernel, etc. ...