Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:07 pm
I have an idea!
How about this - I found out you can "blink" the LED for less than 1 second, specifically, 250ms, which makes it essentially turn on and off immediately. Now, using a defined delay time (less signal, more delay, more signal, less delay), you could do something like:
No signal:
/sys scheduler set 0 on-event="/blink duration=100ms" interval=1s
-95 to -90
/sys scheduler set 0 on-event="/blink duration=250ms" interval=1s
-90 to -85
/sys scheduler set 0 on-event="/blink duration=400ms" interval=1s
-85 to -80
/sys scheduler set 0 on-event="/blink duration=500ms" interval=1s
-80 to -75
/sys scheduler set 0 on-event="/blink duration=750ms" interval=1s
-75 or less:
/sys scheduler set 0 on-event="/blink duration=1s" interval=1s
A simple IF cluster should take care of that. Harder to do would be to see the LED on the outside of a Rootenna - but maybe using a little plastic window or one of those clear plastic "bars" that are used on consumer electronics to show an LED on the front of a case. But man would that simplify installations!