Mikrotik Users
I need your support maybe someOne can support to me.- The point is: How I can transport my VoIP traffic across the new Vlan20 and the rest of the traffic for the normal way.
I create on my RB1200/PPPoE Server R2, Cisco Switch and Main router R1 a Vlan20, after to do this, I create a /IP Route Rules where I declare that all traffic that going to 84.X.X.209 (asterisk server) mark routing how VoIP, after this I create /IP Route a new route where gateway to with routing Mark "VoIP".
Automatically all Traffic that go to my asterisk going to Vlan20, NOW I need to declare on my Router R1 that all traffic that come from 84.X.X.209 mark how VoIP using a /IP ROUTE RULES using the same table.
On My Router R1, I create a /IP ROUTE add a new route where I say it: via where have routing mark "VoIp".
The VoIP Traffic from my Router R2 work 100% via VLAN20.
My problem is: The VoIP Traffic that go via OSPF to the Router R3, Router R4, Router R5 not work, because I routing all VoIP traffic via Vlan20 to the router R2.
My question is How I can do for working with my Asterisk Server on my network where 1 Router will be work with Vlan20 for SIP/Traffic and the others Router R3, R4, R5 will be work with OSPF Dynamic for the VoIP/traffic?
Please send me back your comments,