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2 different IP on single Cellular operator link

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 9:53 am
by saintofinternet
hi friends...

i am using a 2G/3G USB Dongle and connecting to a cellular operator.

once connected I get 2 different IP's.

have attached the screenshot of the same problem. One IP is PPP-OUT1 interface (Local Address: and the other IP is on the browser behind it when using (

what is with this two? now i am not able to connect to the router from outside.... with this two IP and the NO-IP script seems to be considering the IP address for update.

why is this happening???

Re: 2 different IP on single Cellular operator link

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:31 pm
by sup5
You're getting an IP-Address from the shared transition space,
which is used of ISPs for CGN/LSN in order to avoid overlap with the RFC1918 address space.

This means your connection to the internet is masqueraded (NATed).

You simply cannot connect from the outside.
You need to estabilsh a tunnel from the inside to the outside.

Re: 2 different IP on single Cellular operator link

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 5:24 pm
by saintofinternet
could you please guide me on how can that be achieved when using a cellular 2G/3G connection???