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MPLS/VPLS with Hotspot issue

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:10 pm
by DarthLodis
Hi all, these days i've bought a CCR 1016-12G to concentrate hotspot logins on it. I've configured OSPF, MPLS and VPLS to transport the customer hotspot login to CCR and was working fine but sometimes the login page won't appear to my customers, he gets DHCP but he can't ping his gateway and when i reboot the CCR everything gets back to normal, but soon the issue appears again, sometimes it's normal for days until the issue show up again, i have pppoe-server configured as well and i don't have any kind of issue on PPPOE clients. Someone has these scenario working without any issue?

Thx in advance.

Re: MPLS/VPLS with Hotspot issue

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:24 pm
by DarthLodis
no ideas?