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SPF fro 60Km

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:55 pm
by name29
Dear Community,

There are any SPF module for 60km running on Mikrotik CCR ?

What the best module?

Thank you

Re: SPF fro 60Km

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:03 pm
by CelticComms
There are some 3rd party 1000BaseZX SFPs available which *should* work but I have not tried them out.

Re: SPF fro 60Km

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:07 pm
by name29
Thank you!

What i could use in alternative of mikrotik device?

I'm looking for something not expensive like ADM/DWDM device...

Re: SPF fro 60Km

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:29 pm
by redflag237
Have a look at some fiber shops. Which country are you asking for?

The Limit is, at very first, the SPF Module. Secondly, at such long distances, the cable quality is important. Take good quality(!!!) Single-Mode Duplex Cable, select the the ones for long wavelength (~1300nm as i remember).

Most of the SPF Modules should also work for Mikrotik boards. 80-100km is not a Problem for the the good Modules (more expencive but less fault tolerant). They are most likely sold as Dell or Cisco and running a Broadcom Chipset. No guarantee to work, maybe you can ask the shop to test them.

You are not asking for a router matter, you are looking for a matching SPF Transciever Module for your Mikrotik Device 8)

Best Regards,


Re: SPF fro 60Km

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:55 pm
by name29
Thank you redflag!

Can you suggest one SPF module to me?

We are going to get a IRU from an Italian highways company. We now don't know anything specification about fiber cable but for sure is good cable.

Re: SPF fro 60Km

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:27 pm
by redflag237
Thank you redflag!

Can you suggest one SPF module to me?

We are going to get a IRU from an Italian highways company. We now don't know anything specification about fiber cable but for sure is good cable.
sure, have a look at this ones: ... F1519P1xCL
They have capabilities up to 90km. Good luck.