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2.9.20 released ...

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:57 pm
by pekr
What's new in 2.9.20:

*) fixed write-sect-total for RB500;
*) added limit of simultaneous hotspot mac logins to 1 for each MAC address;
*) made LCD displaying more stable;
*) added WinBox support for routing-test package;
*) fixed PPTP client to not disconnect every 30s on some occasions;
*) fixed bug - interface and queue graphs got lost on reboot (introduced in 2.9.19)

btw - does it fix license console issue? :-)


Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:58 pm
by normis


Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:31 pm
by BulleriNET
ok it says that the interface graphs will stay after reboot I do not see this tested and the graph went bye bye i have grave saving to disk and i am useing a 532 board is there something more i need to do? is it not possible on the 532 board?? :cry: [/quote]

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:11 pm
by sergejs
do you have NTP client configured for RouterBOARD 500 ?

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:41 pm
by chipxsd
Somebody help me, please...

When I upgraded the routerOs (couple of hours ago) with the latest packages 2.9.20, Mikrotik stopped marking the connections, so traffic shaping does not work anymore.
So I went and downgraded the system to 2.9.19 again, but still, Mikrotik won't mark connections. What went wrong, and how do I fix this problem?

ps: If this helps, counters on Queue Tree are all showing zeros '0' ...

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:50 pm
by chris-oct
I just rebooted a RB500 2.9.20 and graphs stay through reboot.

Re: 2.9.20 released ...

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:17 pm
by gerd
What's new in 2.9.20:
*) made LCD displaying more stable;
btw - does it fix license console issue? :-)
Ugh did i miss something ? or is it possible to add an LCD for a RB532A ?

Ciao Gerd

winbox - strange behaviour after upgrade

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:10 pm
by tremmer
After upgrading to 2.9.20 Firewall rules "flicker" when using winbox to configure them. Seems to have something todo with the comments, for a half of a second rules are being swapped, if you are in a chain with only 2 rules. If there are more rules on the screen, there is also a random rotate or something - seems strange.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:12 pm
by hecklertm
Does it fix the problem of hotspot html "form redirect" statements not being able complete the redirects. I have never heard back from MT on this issue at all.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 10:00 am
by normis
In version 2.9.19 there was a bug - hotspot walled-garden rules did not work.
That bug was introduced in 2.9.19 and fixed in 2.9.20.

Thanks to hecklertm for reporting a problem!

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:50 pm
by chris-oct
In version 2.9.19 there was a bug - hotspot walled-garden rules did not work.
That bug was introduced in 2.9.19 and fixed in 2.9.20.

Thanks to hecklertm for reporting a problem!
Why is the walled garden fix not posted in the 2.9.20 changelog?

The changelog for 2.9.20 is :

*) fixed write-sect-total for RB500;
*) added limit of simultaneous hotspot mac logins to 1 for each MAC address;
*) made LCD displaying more stable;
*) added WinBox support for routing-test package;
*) fixed PPTP client to not disconnect every 30s on some occasions;
*) fixed bug - interface and queue graphs got lost on reboot (introduced in 2.9.19)


Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 8:18 pm
by csickles
The change log shows updates to the LCD package..

Now the diaplay is stuck !!

The display shows only the last item modified in winbox..
(IE: if an ethernet display is selected, and its display time changes, then it is all that is ever diaplayed..)

OOPS !!!


Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 6:56 pm
by chris-oct

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:50 am
by Hammy
Why is the walled garden fix not posted in the 2.9.20 changelog?
Mikrotik seems to have a problem with having a less than complete ChangeLog.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 9:17 am
by normis
if fixing one issue solves multiple problems, we don't write all of them

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 9:33 am
by cmit
But that would be the way to go in my opinion.

At least I like to have WRITTEN confirmation that (and when) a problem was fixed. And I don't like guessing/trying if it was fixed by the fix for some other bug...

Best regards,
Christian Meis

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 9:38 am
by normis
many times we don't even know what other mysterious problems it fixes. if there is a problem that causes one other problem, we fix it before finding that it also caused some others. what would be more logical in this case, for example when Mac address can't be changed anywhere in the system. To write in changelog that now `mac addresses work` or to write every specific place where this now works? many times it is like a domino effect, and in that case writing the changelog would take a lot of time.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 4:27 pm
by hecklertm
Somehwere between the revisions of 2.9.13 and 2.9.20 the logging of "web-proxy, info" changed. In order for me to log web proxy hits, I had to enable "web-proxy" indepentdently of "info" under /sys logging. This of course makes sense because it should not have been logging in the first place unless web proxy logging was enabled. The change was just a suprise though.

This proves my point that a person said earlier about upgrading after every single release. Don't upgrade unless you really NEED to upgrade for some reason or alternatively enjoy spending a bunch of time troubleshooting your routers.

As far as how comprehensive the change log is, even the 800 pound gorilla, Cisco, misses topics on their change log, and they don't even care to hear whether their customers like it or not, nor are they quickly responsive to their customers needs like MT is to ours.

Thanks MT
(Just get those RBs out the door. I have been watiting for 3 weeks for more routers)

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:05 pm
by Hammy
Well, is there anything wrong with two changelogs or a dynamic changelog? Have one list just the way it is (well, maybe a little improvement). The other is finely detailed with what's different. Best of both worlds.