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support TV white space WIFI using DL-TVWS

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:23 pm
by danielkim
Hi everyone!

I'm planning to implement wireless link using TV white space(470-790Mhz).

For this, I bought miniPCI module for TV white space.( ... -tvws.html)

Doodlelabs which provide this module said that this miniPCI module support mikrotik router board.

Because this module use AR5413 chipset, mikrotik router board detect this module.

But frequency range list for select is 2Ghz not 470-790Mhz.

How could I solve this problem?

thank you

Re: support TV white space WIFI using DL-TVWS

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:31 pm
by uldis
ask the doodle labs for a frequency conversion table.
Then you can specify in the terminal a wireless frequency-offset and then you will see those frequencies in the Winbox drop-down next to the 2.4ghz frequencies.

Re: support TV white space WIFI using DL-TVWS

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:16 am
by danielkim
ask the doodle labs for a frequency conversion table.
Then you can specify in the terminal a wireless frequency-offset and then you will see those frequencies in the Winbox drop-down next to the 2.4ghz frequencies.
I set frequency-offset to -1700. and I can see freqeucies(from 712Mhz) right side of 2.4ghz freqeuncies.

Before this setting, when routerboard closely located to 2.4Ghz general AP, DL-TVWS module can scan 2.4Ghz channel.
(I think DL-TVWS module scan 2.4Ghz range but because RF module tunning to other RF range only when closely located can scan 2.4Ghz channel)

if after set freqeucy-offset to -1700, router board could not scan 2.4Ghz channel, but also can scan 2.4Ghz channel.

that is, no difference between 0 and -1700 frequency offset.

thank you

Re: support TV white space WIFI using DL-TVWS

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:24 am
by danielkim
ask the doodle labs for a frequency conversion table.
Then you can specify in the terminal a wireless frequency-offset and then you will see those frequencies in the Winbox drop-down next to the 2.4ghz frequencies.
I set frequency offset to -1700 and can see other frequecies from 712Mhz on the right side of 2.4Ghz frequencies such as [2412 712].

When offset is 0 and router closely located to 2.4Ghz general ap router, RB411G with DL-TVWS module can scan 2.4Ghz channel.

I thnik that after offset is -1700 and DL-TVWS now scan frequecies range from 712Mhz ,so RB411G can not scan 2.4Ghz channel.

But also scan 2.4Ghz channel.

I'm testing using two RB411G boards with DL-TVWS. one is AP and other is CPE, set AP's offset to 0 and CPE'offset to -1700. CPE can scan AP's channel only when closely located.

what is problem?

Re: support TV white space WIFI using DL-TVWS

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:26 pm
by Nanflexal
I'm interested in this technology and can't wait to test it.

can you tell me what equipment we need to implement TVWS? and how much it cost?


Re: support TV white space WIFI using DL-TVWS

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:40 pm
by shantidev

I am using Winbox and I do not see the frequency-offset field in the wireless interface submenu.

Do I have to select a particular configuration to see the frequency offset field?

I am using RouterOS v5.26 for RB433AH board.

Thank you for your help.

Re: support TV white space WIFI using DL-TVWS

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:30 pm
by vstman
does anyone out there have a update on the white space equipment needed? Looking at testing this and need to jump start this thread? tnx