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Sector Configuration

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:24 pm
by lyle
Hello. I am needing some help here. I just recently set up my routerboard running version 6.5. My isp router has an address of 192.168.1. and gives addresses by dhcp. Connected to my routerboard are three ubnt rocket m2. They are on channel 1 6 and 11. The performance is very flaky.
routerboard ip = with dhcp server enabled ( and lan ports bridged

sector 1 ip = ch 1 20 mhz
sector 2 ip = ch 6 20 mhz
sector 3 ip = ch 11 20 mhz
airmax disabled.

What would be the best configuration? Multiple mixed devices connect to the sectors. I wish to have traffic monitored, dhcp leases, and qos performed by the routerboard. I definitely have something terribly wrong.

Re: Sector Configuration

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:01 pm
by Fady
Hey, I can help if you like in dhcp leases and QoS if you don't want to follow the wiki instructions. Can you be more specific ?

Re: Sector Configuration

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:08 pm
by lyle
Sorry I didn't get back to you. I was away. I actually don't need help anymore. I thought maybe I was having IP conflicts with my new system. It turns out the new UBNT rocket M2's didn't want to work properly with my older Engenious EOC1650 cpe's. It would work just fine then all of a sudden every minute or two it would drop the connection and lock up the entire network. I removed a couple of the problem access points and everything is good. I still have half of the Engenius products still in use with no issues. All was good before with 3 xr2's mounted in the same enclosure and antenna mounted back to back with no shielding! Ubiquity problem i guess.