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VLAN + PPoE on one port ?

Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:55 pm


I have a fiber connection with my internet ISP. It uses a GPON interface and then a specific proprietary router that is really bad (Livebox) so I’d like to use mi Mikrotik router. I need to setup one of my Ethernet port on VLAN 835 and with PPoE/LLC protocol (I have login/pass to use for PPoE) but don’t know how to do such configuration :(

Thanks for help

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Re: VLAN + PPoE on one port ?

Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:58 pm

connect the ISP connection to (example) eth1 and call this interface 'eth1-ISP'
Then make a VLAN virtual interface with VLAN ID 835 based on interface 'eth1-ISP', and call this one 'eth1-ISP-VLAN835'
Then make a PPPoE client interface based on interface 'eth1-ISP-VLAN835' and call this 'WAN-PPPoE'

With this setup the PPPoE interface will send its data through the eth1-ISP-VLAN835 interface this data with be tagged with VLAN ID 835 and send to the ISP pluggedi in on eth1'
The 'WAN-PPPoE' interface will get its IP based on your login credentials..

!! Make firewall and (masquerade) NAT rules based on interface 'WAN-PPPoE' as you would do on any 'normal' ISP connection.

The interface names are just taken as example. You can use any names you like.
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Re: VLAN + PPoE on one port ?

Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:18 pm


I have a fiber connection with my internet ISP. It uses a GPON interface and then a specific proprietary router that is really bad (Livebox) so I’d like to use mi Mikrotik router. I need to setup one of my Ethernet port on VLAN 835 and with PPoE/LLC protocol (I have login/pass to use for PPoE) but don’t know how to do such configuration :(

Thanks for help


In SPAIN, the ISP "Telefonica" works with vLAN & PPPoE on your fiber connections (GPON).
First. Configure vLAN on ehternet port, after configure de PPPoE client connection over this vLAN. Finally configure masquerade on PPPoE and you will navigate to internet.

I hope it is helpful,