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bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:37 pm
by amtechpc
when you go to interface and try to do a Bandwidth - RX/TX rate limit the RX gives you this error
couldn't change interface <> not supported on this interface (6) and you can only do what is listed for TX But I need to do a TX rate limit up to 20M on that interface
Re: bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:59 am
by samsung172
on what device do you try to do this?
Re: bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:57 am
by amtechpc
I have tried it on the 2011 and it worked on the gig ports but not on the 100 meg ports and the new 24 port cloud switch will not work and the I need to set bandwidth RX / TX on all interfaces
Re: bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 5:03 pm
by icebox
Same problem here with 6.7
it only lets u change to 10M
if u edit by hand like 20M
it gives an error
Re: bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:25 pm
by amtechpc
I get the same issue on the cloud switch. But os6.11 it will let you do limit only on tx
On just some devices but still not on the cloud switch
Re: bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:27 pm
by rextended
On 6.x Use Simple Queue / On 5.x use Queue Tree, not all switch/ethernet chip support bandwith or some value for bandwith.
Re: bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:45 am
by CR24
I am having this same issue with a CRS125, wont let me set bandwidth at the interface level. I have tried to setup simple queues but I am having no luck. I am running v6.15 and I have the simple queue setup with port 5 as the target and both upload and download set to 10M for max limit, but there is no limiting happening, im getting unrestricted speed. I cannot use IP addresses as I am just using this switch to simply connect several routers to one internet connection and the connection IPs are dynamic, I need to be able to limit the speed based on interface not IP address. Any ideas?
Re: bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:52 pm
by becs
Cloud Router Switches do not support /interface ethernet
bandwidth setting.
On CRS ingress rate is configurable with:
/interface ethernet switch ingress-port-policer
add port=ether3 rate=5M
egress rate with:
/interface ethernet switch shaper
add port=ether3 rate=5M
Re: bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:55 am
by CR24
Port policer and switch shaper gave me horrible results. For example while doing a speedtest the test was very inconsistent, the speeds went up and down through the entire test. It seemed like the traffic was not passing smoothly while using port policer and switch shaper.
Queues are best way to accomplish this, however while I was first setting all this up the queue counters showed zero traffic passing, tried both simple and tree. The piece of information everyone kept leaving out is turning the bridge firewall setting on. After turning the setting on I was able to get this working perfectly.
/interface bridge settings
set use-ip-firewall=yes
/queue simple
add max-limit=1M/1M name=ETHER1 target=ether1
Re: bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 11:00 pm
by SmatchBR
Thank you for help me!
Port policer and switch shaper gave me horrible results. For example while doing a speedtest the test was very inconsistent, the speeds went up and down through the entire test. It seemed like the traffic was not passing smoothly while using port policer and switch shaper.
Queues are best way to accomplish this, however while I was first setting all this up the queue counters showed zero traffic passing, tried both simple and tree. The piece of information everyone kept leaving out is turning the bridge firewall setting on. After turning the setting on I was able to get this working perfectly.
/interface bridge settings
set use-ip-firewall=yes
/queue simple
add max-limit=1M/1M name=ETHER1 target=ether1
Re: bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 7:37 am
by Kamaz
Maybe someone can help me with the same problem.
I have Mikrotik hex (6.41.2) and I want to shape traffic speed on port #4. My first attempt was to set tx speed in interface configuration menu, but it told me that "couldn't change interface <> not supported on this interface".
The second attempt was to set a queqe and it was necessary for me to change switch configuration to bridge. But when I created simple queue with 4th interface speed limit it didn't help me. Packer counters in queue aren't working.
Any ideas how to do a proper configuration?
Re: bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:02 am
by CR24
With your interfaces in a bridge, use the following....
/interface bridge settings
set use-ip-firewall=yes
/queue simple
add max-limit=1M/1M name=ETHER1 target=ether1
Re: bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:59 pm
by Kamaz
Thank you for answer, but I've done instructions below and they didn't helped me.
BUT now I can see traffic in queue preferences. Maybe it need some time or reboot router to start to work? 0_o
Re: bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:22 am
by CR24
If the queue counters are showing traffic then you should be good to go, a reboot may help. If you are still having issues after a reboot post your config.
Re: bandwidth RX / TX on interface
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:02 pm
by Mozez
With your interfaces in a bridge, use the following....
/interface bridge settings
set use-ip-firewall=yes
/queue simple
add max-limit=1M/1M name=ETHER1 target=ether1
Your a start, this worked for me! Thanks heaps!