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Asterisk on Metarouter MOH

Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:29 pm

Hi guys
I have successfully installed asterisk 1.8 on metarouter.
running few extension and voipdiscount as trunk.
I cannot find any basic setup help file for Digium gui.
have problem with musiconhold.
which package i need to install?
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Re: Asterisk on Metarouter MOH

Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:13 am

Asterisk-GUI was first used commercially by Digium in their (now EOL'd) AA50 product. While not everything matches up exactly (probably because I suspect the AA50 firmware was based on Asterisk-GUI versions pre-2.0), for the most part the very comprehensive manual that Digium wrote for the AA50 ( applies to Asterisk-GUI, so you might want to keep the AA50 manual handy as a reference.

If you are using my port of Asterisk 1.8 and Asterisk-GUI, and if you installed one of my pre-built image files, then everything that you need should already be included. If you built it yourself from scratch using my patches, then consult my OpenWRT build config file for my recommended Asterisk 1.8 package selections.

-- Nathan
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Re: Asterisk on Metarouter MOH

Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:47 pm

Nathan -- I would like to test out the image you have created and was wondering if you have a link to the site where your packages resides, as well do you have a decent guide
to support this scenario for asterisk on metarouter? appreciate your help.

Thank you.
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Re: Asterisk on Metarouter MOH

Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:27 pm

Nathan -- I would like to test out the image you have created and was wondering if you have a link to the site where your packages resides, as well do you have a decent guide
to support this scenario for asterisk on metarouter? appreciate your help.
Sorry, no guide (no time at this point), and no packages even. All I am providing is an image, and the image has the package manager stripped out of it. The image is one I built strictly for my own use and which serves only one purpose: to allow me to run Asterisk side-by-side with RouterOS on a RouterBoard. I am happy to give out copies of it, but if you use my image, you are on your own after you get it. OpenWRT in my image has been stripped down to its bare essentials. If you want a more full-featured MetaROUTER OpenWRT image to also run Asterisk on top of, then you should consult the sticky "Metarouter images" thread at the top of this forum. There are a couple of frequent contributors that constantly make new builds of OpenWRT for MetaROUTER and also host complete package repositories for them. I am not one of those people.

Alternatively, I have been providing my patches to OpenWRT that I use to make my MetaROUTER Asterisk images with. You can either build an exact replica of my image using those patches, or tweak the patches to your taste once you get them. All of the information I have published on the subject is in the same thread that I referenced earlier.

If you are still interested in the image itself, please send me an e-mail: At this time, given that I am hosting the file on a server with a constrained connection, I'm not publishing the URL but e-mailing it to people upon request.

-- Nathan
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Re: Asterisk on Metarouter MOH

Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:33 pm

Actually not. It always stays at ~85% of the whole amount. Also, at the beginning, it shows less consumption than it should be, i.e. KVM guest has 1024 MB of dedicated memory, but ROS shows that only 400 MB is consumed, then it grows and goes over 1024 and beyond. Maybe, it is some sort of compression?