Problem in the email sending
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:36 pm
I am with problem in the email sending what it can be, can be in mikrotik has as to recommence the service that sends email if it has which would be and as to make. I find that the problem would not be in script because it was functioning. Script used:
add name="backup_mail" source="system backup save name=email\n\n/tool e-mail send \
to=\"\" from=\"\" server=\"\" \
subject=\(\[/system identity get name\] . \" \" . \[/system clock get time\] . \" \" . \[/system \
clock get date\] . \" Backup\"\) file=email.backup" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test
add name="backup_mail" source="system backup save name=email\n\n/tool e-mail send \
to=\"\" from=\"\" server=\"\" \
subject=\(\[/system identity get name\] . \" \" . \[/system clock get time\] . \" \" . \[/system \
clock get date\] . \" Backup\"\) file=email.backup" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test