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Notifications redux
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:12 pm
by n5ltc
I have all of my core routers set to SMS me on my cell phone when they go down. That part is working great. To do this, I set up an option in the notifications list as "pcs phone" and then I assign that to each device under polling that I want to notify me. Also in the pcs phone notification I created, I set it to delay for 2 minutes before sending an SMS and also set it not to send me SMS during the day when I am in the NOC. It seems that the time delay and the inactive times are being ignored as I am getting SMS messages immediately upon outage and also during the inactive time. Is there something else I need to set in order for it to follow the rules in the pcs notification I set up?
Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 11:02 pm
by n5ltc
Ok. Now this is getting very annoying. I have deleted my smtp servers (set them both to, deleted the pcsphone notification and I am STILL getting notifications to my PCS phone when something goes down on DUDE. Where is it storing that stuff and why can't I get it to stop sending notifcations to a deleted notification entry? This notification doesn't show up in the settings of any of the devices that are sending alerts yet it somehow finds a way to send it anyway.
Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 7:14 pm
by n5ltc
Here is something interesting. After ripping my hair out trying to figure out why my copy of DUDE keeps sending me alerts after telling it to STOP, it would appear that the problem is that there is another copy of the software running somewhere else and the alerts are coming from that copy. I have NO idea who might be running it or where it is coming from. Because it is sending emails to my PCS phone, I can't see a header to figure it out. I am now trying to figuire out how I can find the responsible party and how the heck they got my data file.
Sorry Uldis, it wasn't your software after all.