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Lose of connxion with the router :(

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:15 am
by LeJR
Can someone advice plz_
I reset all router configuration by "r" key in the command /setup, to re-configurate it again. So when I tried to connect via Winbox I got an error message says:
Could not connect to 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (port 20561) time out.
How I can reach the application again?

I am in my first steps in the MT world :wink:


Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:43 am
by GotNet
Welcome to MT!

In your WinBox Loader click on the button with 3 dots (next to the connect). The mac of your new MT should show in the list. Select and login with the default "admin" with no password. This works if you are on the same network. Otherwise use telnet or console to setup IP.


Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:19 am
by normis
yes, if possible, connect with keyboard and monitor, and configure the ip and default gateway. or with serial console (null modem cable + hyperterminal)