Hello all,
Need help with my network, i will try to explain the way the network is and if anyone has any comment will appreciate.
Sat Gateway
Proxy MT
Switch --- MtikPPPOE
HOTSPOT Mtik Router
Sat Gateway - Real IP
Proxy MT - Eth1 & Eth2 Bridged with Real IP
Mtik PPPOE - Eth1 Real IP - Eth2 PPPOE Server No IP assigned
Hotspot --- Eth1 Real IP - WLan1 Hotspot Temp IP Fake And Real IP when authenticated.
At the moment when user log in to the hotspot it will give them the Real IP Address, but they will not be able to browse.
Can i have 2 interface having the same Real ip with the same subnet will it work.
I was given a subnet /24 for my network from my ISP, if i change it on my satellite gateway will it still work as in split that subnet to 4 * 64 ip slots?
Then i was thinking of assigning inside network FAKE IP instead of real and only clients and main servers having routable IP.
I hope i will get some comments to put me in the right direction.