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Problem with autonegotiation

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 2:38 pm
by Tim033
I have two routers connected, SXT-5HPnD and OmniTIK UPA-5HnD through ethernet interface with a crossover cable (female/female) and the corresponding power injectors.


Both interfaces are configured with auto negotiation and Full-duplex
In both interfaces no errors in the negotiation but only negotiate 10 Mbits.
The same has happened to me when I tried to do with two SXT.

Can it be that the crossover cable between both inhibit negotiation 100 Mbps?

Any idea?
Any help/idea is welcome!
[admin@SRV02] > /interface ethernet print
Flags: X - disabled, R - running, S - slave 
 #    NAME          MTU MAC-ADDRESS       ARP        MASTER-PORT      SWITCH   
 0 RS ether1-l...  1500 D4:CA:6D:XX:XX:XX enabled    none             switch1  
[admin@SRV02] > /system routerboard print
       routerboard: yes
             model: SXT 5HPnD
     serial-number: 45620228XXXX
  current-firmware: 3.12
  upgrade-firmware: 3.12

[admin@SRV02] > /interface ethernet monitor ether1-local 
              name: ether1-local
            status: link-ok
  auto-negotiation: done
              rate: 10Mbps
       full-duplex: yes

[admin@SRV03] >  /interface ethernet print
Flags: X - disabled, R - running, S - slave 
 #    NAME        MTU MAC-ADDRESS       ARP        MASTER-PORT      SWITCH     
 0 RS ether1     1500 D4:CA:6D:F2:XX:XZ proxy-arp 
 1  S ether2     1500 D4:CA:6D:F2:XX:XY proxy-arp  none             switch1    
 2  S ether3     1500 D4:CA:6D:F2:XX:XX enabled    none             switch1    
 3  S ether4     1500 D4:CA:6D:F2:XX:XS enabled    none             switch1    
 4  S ether5     1500 D4:CA:6D:F2:XX:XT enabled    none             switch1    
[admin@SRV03] >  /system routerboard print
       routerboard: yes
             model: OmniTIK UPA-5HnD
     serial-number: 46A8022XXXXX
  current-firmware: 3.12
  upgrade-firmware: 3.12
admin@SRV03] >  /system routerboard print
       routerboard: yes
              name: ether1
            status: link-ok
  auto-negotiation: done
              rate: 10Mbps
       full-duplex: yes
PD. I remember that in one of the many tests done if instead of connecting directly through a switch do then YES trading speed 100 Mbits. For me it was important to make it work with the crossover cable because there arerouters that are in a remote location and the fewer equipment is less consumption and less points of failure.

PD2. Both routers have the last version (6.10)

PD3.If you manually set the speed to 100 Mbps on both sides, then the Ethernet link fails.

Re: Problem with autonegotiation

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:43 pm
by jarda
Try to use normal non crossed cable. There is no need for it.

Sent from Android by Tapatalk.

Re: Problem with autonegotiation

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:51 am
by Tim033
Thanks por the reply. Using a normal cable the link is down always.

I have a question relating to the cable, is it possible that the cable used to power the router inhibit the auto-negotiation process?
The cable I use is the one provided by the manufacturer for the equipment.
All cables were tested.

The truth is that I am baffled by this case
