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RB2011UiAS-2HnD-IN / firewall rules / webfig wan

Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:59 pm


I tried to configure my router (RB2011UiAS-2HnD-IN) to accept connections on port 80 or 8080 for the webfig.

At a certain point i realize that because the default DROP rule was before that accept rule for input on port 80 or 8080 on the wan interface the router didn't accepted the connection for webfig.

So, in firewall rules, the DROP ALL rule should be the last one in order that the ACCEPT rules to work?

(I am not speaking about port forwarding, just accepting connections on any port defined by me for webfig on the WAN interface.)
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Re: RB2011UiAS-2HnD-IN / firewall rules / webfig wan

Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:24 pm

Yes, you want all of your exceptions listed before the Drop rule.