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Normis - Bypass Hotspot Usage Accounting for Local Websites

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:35 am
by vixxant
Does anyone have a solution for this

Bypass Hotspot Usage Accounting for Local Websites or any defined website

Here's what i want the the hotspot/network to do:
-- Only account for traffic from users to the internet other local traffic should not be accounted and sent to radius server .

this is an older post with no solution ,

Normis . pls help

Re: Normis - Bypass Hotspot Usage Accounting for Local Websi

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:37 am
by rextended
The older post have no solution because:
There-is-no-way. :wink:

Re: Normis - Bypass Hotspot Usage Accounting for Local Websi

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:50 am
by vixxant
This is really a useful feature either there should be a solution or mikrotik should implement this feature in there new firmware release . :D

Re: Normis - Bypass Hotspot Usage Accounting for Local Websi

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:56 am
by rextended
This is really a useful feature either there should be a solution or mikrotik should implement this feature in there new firmware release . :D
My suggestions are:

DO NOT DISTURB MikroTik STAFF, leave alone to fix all the serious bug have RouterOS 6.8+

Re: Normis - Bypass Hotspot Usage Accounting for Local Websi

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:02 am
by vixxant
Yes. But there should always be new features added to the new releases and people who can suggest the best features are end-users .

i am also working in a ISP . where the AAA authentication system has a function to define no accounting for defined destination or source ip's . so it is a feature already adopted by many systems . and we are using it.

anyways i would like to get a reply from a mikrotik staff. or a person who have tried to do it . :D

Re: Normis - Bypass Hotspot Usage Accounting for Local Websi

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:04 am
by rextended
Yes. But there should always be new features added to the new releases and people who can suggest the best features are end-users .

i am also working in a ISP . where the AAA authentication system has a function to define no accounting for defined destination or source ip's . so it is a feature already adopted by many systems . and we are using it.

anyways i would like to get a reply from a mikrotik staff. or a person who have tried to do it . :D
>>> But there should always be new features added to the new releases
Yes, some new feature like: no new bug on new version.

>>>i would like to get a reply from a mikrotik staff
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