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Queues for bandwidth control not working properly (torrent?)

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:14 pm
by gxmc
Some of my customers are using around twice the uploaded set to them, I know a few of them very well and I know they are using the bittorrent protocol to transmit files the whole day and I guess the bypassing of the queue rules is related with that protocol.

The OS' version is 3.23. Its a Level 5 licence but I dont like changing something that is working. If thats a version related bug then its time to upgrade. Id like somebody here to confirm it to me.


Re: Queues for bandwidth control not working properly (torre

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:11 am
by joegoldman
Queue's are processed linearly, like the firewall rules, do you have a non-dynamic queue sitting at the top of the list that might be capturing certain traffic, allowing it to not be caught by the dynamic interface queue?

Although never tried specifically with Bit Torrent, I use dynamic queues a lot on 5.2X and 6.X without problem. v3 is VERY old and it would be worth upgrading. I understand your concern though, I would export the config, load up the new OS on a new HDD/flash drive (depending on your device), import the config and verify all working. This at least gives you a simple roll-back come failure by just removing the new HDD and putting the old one back in.

I would either move to 5.25 or perhaps wait for 6.12 to be released.

Re: Queues for bandwidth control not working properly (torre

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:02 am
by gxmc
Even if theres a queue processing packets before these dynamic individual queues for each customer, shouldnt the packet get read and processed by the second queue after it got processed by the first one?

Re: Queues for bandwidth control not working properly (torre

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:32 pm
by gxmc
Theres a long time since the last time I installed the OS from the ground, wont I need to buy a new licence in order to install it on a new HDD/flashdrive?

Re: Queues for bandwidth control not working properly (torre

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:00 am
by n21roadie
Some of my customers are using around twice the uploaded set to them, I know a few of them very well and I know they are using the bittorrent protocol to transmit files the whole day
I have a simple solution for that (even for customers who I know very well!) Radius Manager will automatically slow the connection down when preset bandwidth is exceeded and I notify them connection is slowed down, some moan and blame others in the household,they then decide either to address bandwidth used or move to another provider, and if they had a better deal from another provider they would have moved already.