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mikrotik ptp link problem

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:31 pm
by andjelok
guys I have a problem with point-to-point link, the position is

AP-Brige Side :

1. RB411 GL(ROS 6.11)
2.SR71 Card
3.Ubiquti ROcketDish 32 DB

Statation Side :
1. RB411 GL (ROS 6.11)
2.SR71 Card
3.Ubiquti ROcketDish 32 DB

link is set as wds station and bridge
Link Distance is 21km , Signal is -62 Dbi .

In Mikrotik Bandwith test udb i have 98 mbps in download and 60 mbps in upload (recive , transmit test)
When i plug my laptop and try internet speed test i got 12 mbps down and 40 mbps up (are the average values ​​of 10 test , ping is 10ms)
what I was even stranger is that when I let customers use the link to the Internet through a link goes 50 Mbps download and 15 Mbps upload and when i do internet test
from my laptop i got 7 mbps download and 30 mbps upload . When i do bandwith test i got 40 mbps more but custromers cant go over 40 - 45 mbps all togheter.
Ruter That i use for gateway is RB450g ruter os is 5.26. I can see where can be a problem with traffic i try to change freq. I try to use statios brige + brige instead of station wds + Brige ... Ruter does not have conn tracking cpu is below 40% ... if someone comes to mind, where did I go wrong and how this could solve ...
ps. i think its software issiue
pre grateful...

Re: mikrotik ptp link problem

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 9:57 am
by marizo
What Wireless Protocol You are using? What Channel Width and Connection CCQ?

Re: mikrotik ptp link problem

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 8:26 pm
by andjelok
Here is the picture of my Station Wireless Card

Re: mikrotik ptp link problem

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 7:04 pm
by stratonetworks
OK, but this CCQ is for link over load or link reposing ?
What protocol are you using ? nv2 ? n-Ntreme

IMHO test must be made on tcp mode, beacuse udp mode isn't real scenario. Test tcp speed for one minute on download only and same for upload. You must watch CCQ progression for this minute, for possible big oscilations.

If you use NV2 you must play with "cell radius value" for optimal distance of cell.

(sorry for my bad english)

Re: mikrotik ptp link problem

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 12:12 am
by andjelok
I have no luck ... I put this on the forum to see if anyone else had a similar problem and well I described what was going to ask the image from the TCP test means the test is about 50 MB and users spend an additional 50 MB, except that when I do test to the Internet will not pass of 20 MB which is amazing I think it's a bug in mikrotik

Channel Width is 20/40 mhz above Protocol is NV2 you can see in first picture , CCQ is stable do not drop Link work ok but intrenet Throughput is bad . I think maybe is range of ip address that i got from my provider ... PS on the other side of link is fiber optic

Re: mikrotik ptp link problem

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 2:11 am
by InoX
One of the wireless card has one chain broken. Signals must be more or less equal but not 30dbm. Or try another channels. Maybe is related.

Re: mikrotik ptp link problem

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 3:35 am
by andjelok
I found out where ip a problem i have the same problem as the maroon of this post ... n-example/ if anyone has a solution for this problem. The primary ISP for another ISP and the other for good . Can someone tell me how i can solve this i have same conf like maroon only different is set of c class of ip

Re: AW: mikrotik ptp link problem

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 8:19 am
by sonny
By the way, your chains are crossed
Cross over the chains at one side.

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