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Load balance two ISP in seperate locations

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 2:50 pm
by Swiftc
I have customers in three areas. The circles on the diagram shows a mock layout. The office is at the area labeled HS. The original source (..1.1) connected to the .7.1 is far from the office without any direct link. I was hoping to use just the one link between the office and .7.1. The new ISP will be installed at the office and i want to load balance the two for both set of customers at .7.1 and .8.1 end.

Re: Load balance two ISP in seperate locations

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 11:33 pm
by scotthammersley
Without not knowing much more than you have described, possibly using OSPF and ECMP to the gateway.

Re: Load balance two ISP in seperate locations

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 3:22 am
by Swiftc
Sorry here is some supporting info.
from the 7.1 router has customers in 7.0 address
the dns for the entire network is .7.1
the .8.1 router has clients using .8.0 addresses
there is one connection from the .7.1 to the office but i want to use the .1.1 as the second line for the entire network. I wil now have to change the dns settings.
What i need is a way to use the link from 7.1 to 7.10 as the secondary WAN for the .8.1 network and also be the main WAN for the 7.1 network

Re: Load balance two ISP in seperate locations

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 7:20 am
by joshaven
Use mangle rules to add routing marks to the packets that you want to go over each upline connection. Then have. Default route with the appropriate routing mark point to each uplink. I recommend using PCC to add routing marks by connection so that you don't end up sending traffic from one connection over multiple isp's. That doesn't work well for https connections.

Joshaven Potter
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