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nstreme or nstreme dual for a 25 km link?

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 9:17 pm
by roanwifi
Good afternoon,

I'm new in mikrotik wireless althought I use mikrotik for core routers.

Just asking about a wireless link 25 km. It will have correct aerial size in order both ends are at max. modulation (~-55 dbm).

It requires high packet rate (~3000-4000 pkts/seconds) but not too much traffic (< 20-30 mbit in one direction, < 5 mbit in the other).

The question is:

which board to use? rb433 will fit this packet rate?

and which wireless protocol ? nextreme on N-cards (h and v pol.) or nextreme dual (each polarization has a different direction)

Will this work? If there is something better I can do?

Thank you for any any advice,
best regards

Re: nstreme or nstreme dual for a 25 km link?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 9:40 pm
by rextended
H+V / 20+20 / NV2

not nstreme dual

RB411AH + R52Hn + LMR900 + Jirous 29dbi double polarization dish.

That can guarantee you (on not noisy environment) @ 23,5Km 100Mbps full duplex.

Re: nstreme or nstreme dual for a 25 km link?

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 8:41 am
by Cetalfio
I usually use LMR-400, instead of LMR-900, It's easier to find and if the cable is 3 meters long the attenuation is tolerable. For the rest I'm okay with Rextended.
