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Running a command (script) on firewall rule.

Thu May 29, 2014 2:01 pm

I have several computers that go to standby after a short time.
On local LAN, if someone tries to access the pcs, they wake and are accessible. However RDP is not capable of doing so, so I would like to use /tool wol when a new connection is being established on a specific port so the computer wakes up without the need of a separate action.
Is this possible to do and how?
I haven't found a way but perhaps I am missing something.

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Re: Running a command (script) on firewall rule.

Fri May 30, 2014 12:37 am

Possibly write a script that telnets to the RDP port of that PC. That might possibly wake them up. Trick is writing the kickoff.
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Re: Running a command (script) on firewall rule.

Fri May 30, 2014 1:56 am


1) chose one tcp port for each pc (on range 16536~32765);
2) add firewall rule: when knocked the port, add the knockers address to one address-list called on one specific name, for each pc;
3) Run one script than check if on one address list are present one address, if yes wake up specified PC base on address-list name and remove the address from address-list;
4) Done.
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Re: Running a command (script) on firewall rule.

Fri May 30, 2014 12:40 pm