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Log - system, Info: item removed

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 3:44 pm
by jarda
Hi all,
I have searched a bit around and it seems that none took care about this topic yet. Therefore I try to open a discussion.

When I see record in the log:
system, info: item removed
How can I know to which item is this line related as there is no other information around on the "system, info" level?

I would rather see what was removed (if it is displayed on this level) without logging everything and then guessing which type of items such record belongs to.

Are there also other people that have the same feeling?

Re: Log - system, Info: item removed

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:02 pm
by rzirzi
I have the same feeling. We would like WHAT "item" was removed or added. It's VERY IMPORTANT information. Please MiktoTIk team - ADD that info for logs.

Re: Log - system, Info: item removed

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:01 pm
by BobcatGuy
I AGREE 500%!!!!

Simply because when I mess up something, I would like to go back in the log and see what I did last. So Not only for "Removed Item" but more detail in general, without having debug level logging....