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How to have traffic come and go on same connection?

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:28 pm
by lyonrt
We have 2 connections teaming into our Mikrotik. Ultimately we would like traffic to come and go on its same connection.

For example we have 1 cable and 1 fiber connection coming into the router. If sip traffic was to come into the router, currently it could come in on 1 connection and go back out on another. What is the best method to keep it all on the same lines?

We are trying to take advantage of the bigger pipe the 2 connections are creating but this seems to be our biggest issue.



Re: How to have traffic come and go on same connection?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:26 am
by wildflower42
This thread looks like it has the information you need: