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PPPoE on client side only allows one connection, the others

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 12:45 pm
by Giepie
Hi there. I have a Mikrotik 2.8.13 server, with 3 interfaces, NIC for bandwith using ADSL, NIC for LAN Users, PRISM2 for WLAN clients. On the LAN I can have as many connections as I like, but on the WLAN interface I've got a problem. I can connect many WLAN clients with no problem, but as soon as I make 2 PPPoE connections at a client's site (ie 2 computers using one Senao AP to connect to the internet) only the first computer to get conencted has internet access. The socondary connection is to be seen on the MT interface list, but it dissapears after a couple of seconds, even though it shows that it's connected on the client's side. This is a serias problem to me and really has to be fixed. I was even thinking of installing another Senao 200mw AP and my LAN Clients' interface and let my clients connect to it rather than my Prism2 WLAN interface.

I want to setup a repeater using 2 AP's with a yagi and a omni. This doesn't work, only one client can connect this way.


Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 5:46 pm
by RaynMan
For your PPPoE problem I suggest upgrading to the latest version v2.8.16. I think your problem may have something to do with this thread here:

and this one here:

btw: This query belong in the RouterOS (General Networking) section and not the Routerboard section.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:56 am
by Giepie
Hi there! Thanx for the reply, but I've seen a post bout someone experiencing some problems. I would prefer to hang on until .16 is fixed properly. Is there no other way? Someone told me he never had this prob with his .13 package.

Also tell me PLEASE, will it be possible to setup a repeater so to speak by using 2 senao ap's one with yagi, one with omni?

Thank you for your great help!!

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 4:17 am
by Giepie
Hi! I have just discovered that using a Planet AP everything seems to work fine, but with a senao ap you can only use one client at a time, any ideas? Thanx :roll:

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 10:03 pm
by Giepie
Hi there! I am still experiencing the same problems. I have asked soo many people, noone knows how to fix it. The sales people of Senao products just keeps on telling me to purchase a ethernet router, but Im sorry, that still wont fix my problem. I want to add a repeater using 2 senao AP's, if i use a ethernet router between the AP's, all clients will have to connect using the same account, how the hell wil I be able to control their bandwith then?

I beg you, PLEASE HELP ME! Thanx!! Must I perhaps post my MT settings?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 2:15 pm
by sten
I'm not sure i understand but, do you use WDS with these APs?
Allthough some clients can do MAC NAT based on IP address, only a few (If any!) supports MAC NAT based on PPPoE Session ID's. -AND- They would be coming from the same MAC-address which the PPPoE Server wouldn't understand.

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 12:43 am
by Giepie
Hi sten! Thanx for the help! What you told me makes a lot of sense. I dont know anything about WDS. I thought if I didn't configure it, it wont be a prob. Could you give me a brief example on how to configure it PLEASE!! Thanx a lot for the help! Ill play around with it, just hope I dont lock myself out again!! Luckilly I have another AP/Yagi on the backbone of my MT for incase of emergency.
