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LTE + invalid PIN resulting a locked PIN

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:02 am
by Ivoshiee
Earlier attempts on older ROS to put in an invalid PIN did nothing more that one attempt to set it and fail with a notice into the log, but the v6.15 with LTE moodule it kept on trying that invalid PIN and after 3rd one the SIM was locked - go and find a PUK and a phone.

I seek the restoration of the previous functionality. If the PIN is wrong at the first try, there is no need to commence it numerous times.
Btw: How to enter a PUK code under the ROS?

Re: LTE + invalid PIN resulting a locked PIN

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 4:25 pm
by wpeople
get off the card into a cellphone and unlock (and disable the SIM request)

Re: LTE + invalid PIN resulting a locked PIN

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 12:31 pm
by rextended
If someone read this topics,
this is the solution to unlock the sim after 3 wrong pin.
Warning: after 10 wrong PUK the SIM is broken.

Replace on the example the right numbers on PUK and PIN

Code: Select all

/interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+CPIN=PUK,PIN"

Re: LTE + invalid PIN resulting a locked PIN

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:35 pm
by BalazsTM
If someone read this topics,
this is the solution to unlock the sim after 3 wrong pin.
Warning: after 10 wrong PUK the SIM is broken.

Replace on the example the right numbers on PUK and PIN

Code: Select all

/interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+CPIN=PUK,PIN"
You lifesaver, thank you very much!
rOS 7.7, 2023.02.12. OK!