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Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:50 pm
by Poki
Hi folks.

Recently we have encountered problem with RB951UI-2HnD and RB951G-2HnD.

We are using this device with a 3G USB Dongle (Huawei E173), with a USB extension cable.

Unfortunately it seems that the power output of the USB interface of the RB951 is very poor.

When we try to force the dongle to GPRS (2G) only (it consumes more power I guess) it just dies and becomes inactive.
When I reset the dongle, it goes UP for few seconds then it dies again.. I really can't manage to make it work on GPRS.

When I put it on 3G, it works very unstable. When I try to pass some traffic and especially when the mobile network signal is weaker (I guess it needs more power to transmit stronger), it stops working and become inactive.. until I do power-reset or re-insert the dongle. Then it might work for a while and die again..

Without the USB extension cable it seems to work fine (tho haven't tested it for a longer period).

I would like to mention, that we are also using RB751U-2HnD and we don't have any similar issues with it (even with 3 extension cables linked together), so it seems the problem is with the 951 series only..

I am using ROS 6.15 with the latest Firmware.

I have tried downgrading to older ROS (5.26) - no difference, I tried going back to 4.x but the 951 won't work with it and it completely dies (needs Netinstall).

Have anyone encountered this kind of issue and is there any way to fix it ?

Best regards.

Re: Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:01 pm
by rickfrey
Have you tried using a powered USB hub?

Re: Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:30 pm
by elektrinis
Hello. I was searching all around, but just could not find anywhere: how much current can USB port provide? Why is this information missing from specification sheet?
Can I connect a 2.5" drive without external power?

Re: Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:14 pm
by rickfrey
Some of the RouterBoards have full USB power output, but not all of them. Check out this link. The info you are looking for is at the bottom.

Re: Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:31 pm
by elektrinis
Thanks. I saw that link, but was not sure what that table meant. I have a RB951G-2HnD, so "yes" means it will supply full 1A current, needed for the drive? The PSU is 12W and router should be using up to 7W as per specification, so looks like 5W are left for USB... Please someone confirm.

Re: Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:13 pm
by InoX
951 comes with 24v*0.8A=19.2W

Re: Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:34 pm
by elektrinis
I'm pretty sure mine says 12V 1A on the sticker. Maybe different adapters for various regions?

Re: Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 1:02 am
by RogerWilco
Thanks. I saw that link, but was not sure what that table meant. I have a RB951G-2HnD, so "yes" means it will supply full 1A current, needed for the drive?.
Regardless of the actual RouterBOARDs power consumption or DC power supply, the max output for USB 2.0 is 500mA which I believe the RouterBOARDs output.

If it is not enough, you may need a powered hub as suggested.

Re: Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:29 am
by normis
We will add max USB current value to specification table for all newer products.

Re: Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:10 pm
by Frozer
We will add max USB current value to specification table for all newer products.
Not bad if add actual data to specs of all available products and (not just newer).

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 4:24 pm
by jarda
Sure. Add it also for all actual products.

Re: Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 8:33 pm
by ottoshr
New hEX POE lite with 30W adapter - problem the same USB port for Huawei 5377 modem does not have enough power it SUX !!!! we need to find injector and additional power supply... WHY in old RB750UP USB power is OK!!!

Re: Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 8:45 pm
by ottoshr
New hEX POE lite with 30W adapter - problem the same USB port for Huawei 5377 modem does not have enough power it SUX !!!! we need to find injector and additional power supply... WHY in old RB750UP USB power is OK!!!
actually it powers it to 100% if modem is OFF , when it is on and connected to mobile network it slowly DIES in 10-20 hours. after you found it go to see whats happen modem is powered to 100% you turn it on and everything repeat once again.

Re: Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:12 am
by ottoshr
Some of the RouterBoards have full USB power output, but not all of them. Check out this link. The info you are looking for is at the bottom.
We install USB power injector between hEX PoE lite and Huawei e5377 and problem is the same after 24 hour modem is powered off. Actually from the start we can see that power is slowly drowning , modem eats more power than gets from USB, with installed power injector.
Mikrotik (Normis) please comment this USB power issue for new Mikrotik Routerboard series (we tried hAP, and hEX PoE lite with USB power injector

Re: Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:42 am
by Frozer
The problem exists to this day. Moreover, if the RB951 from the old parties normally kept the Huawei E3372 modems, the newly acquired steel is even worse - the modems hangs about every 15 minutes approximately. It looks like Engineers Microtics hear us on the contrary. The only device that I found has enough power is the RB411GL (modems even can not hang with quality 10-meter USB extension cable). But for RB411GL there are no good & powerful 2-chain WiFi cards like integrated in RB912 (which also has a problem with USB power). It is sad. How much will the cost of the router increase so that he has good USB power? 1, 2, 3 dollars or how much?

Stil there is no table with the current on the USB ports for each of the devices... The cheap cheesy Zyxel Keenetik 4G has a better USB powet than any Microtik. Hear us at last!

Re: Routerboard 951 - poor usb power output

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:51 am
by groundzero
Same with me, RB951ui-2hnd feat huawei E3372h-607, the modem eat more power that usb port cant supply more power, not happen when using tplink mr3420

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