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Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:31 am


Simple way for someone non tech savvy to figure out who or what is using bandwidth on the router. Individual computers / devices can be rate limited with ease. Virtually maintenance free as script keeps the simple queue table up to date and cleans up after itself.

What it does:

This script scans over the dhcp lease table in ROS to create simple queue entries for each item. It keeps the entries up to date and cleans up stale leases.


Copy the below raw text into a new script entry within routeros.
Schedule the script to run at desired frequency in the routeros scheduler.

For devices shown as just a MAC address within simple queue list you can create a custom name under the dhcp lease table using the comment field.
# DHCP Lease to Simple Queues
# 2014 Lonnie Mendez (
# Mikrotik RouterOS v6.9
/ip dhcp-server lease
:foreach x in=[find] do={
# grab variables for use below
:local leaseaddr ([get $x address]."/32")
:local leasemacaddr [get $x mac-address]
:local leasehostname [get $x host-name]
:local leasename [get $x comment]
:local queuecomment
:local leaseinqueue false
/queue simple
:foreach y in=[find] do={
#grab variables for use below
:local queuetargetaddr [get $y target]
:set queuecomment [get $y comment]
# Isolate information  from the comment field (MAC, Hostname)
:local queuemac [:pick $queuecomment 4 21]
:local queuehostname [:pick $queuecomment 22 [:len $queuecomment]]
# If MAC from lease matches the queue MAC then refresh the queue item
:if ($queuemac = $leasemacaddr) do={
# build a comment field
:set queuecomment ("dtq," . $leasemacaddr . "," . $leasehostname)
set $y target=$leaseaddr comment=$queuecomment
:if ($leasename != "") do= {
set $y name=($leasename . " (" . $leasemacaddr . ")")
} else= {
:if ($leasehostname != "") do= {
set $y name=($leasehostname . " (" . $leasemacaddr . ")")
} else= {
set $y name=$leasemacaddr
:set leaseinqueue true
} else= {
# if ip exists for this lease but mac is different then update mac/hostname and reset counter
:if ($queuetargetaddr = $leaseaddr) do={
# build a comment field
:set queuecomment ("dtq," . $leasemacaddr . "," . $leasehostname)
set $y comment=$queuecomment
reset-counters $y
:if ($leasename != "") do= {
set $y name=($leasename . " (" . $leasemacaddr . ")")
} else= {
:if ($leasehostname != "") do= {
set $y name=($leasehostname . " (" . $leasemacaddr . ")")
} else= {
set $y name=$leasemacaddr
:set leaseinqueue true
# There was not an existing entry so add one for this lease
:if ($leaseinqueue = false) do={
# build a comment field
:set queuecomment ("dtq," . $leasemacaddr . "," . $leasehostname)
# build command
:local cmd "/queue simple add target=$leaseaddr max-limit=100M/100M comment=$queuecomment"
:if ($leasename != "") do={ 
:set cmd "$cmd name=\"$leasename ($leasemacaddr)\"" 
} else= {
:if ($leasehostname != "") do={
:set cmd "$cmd name=\"$leasehostname ($leasemacaddr)\""
} else= {
:set cmd "$cmd name=\"$leasemacaddr\""
:execute $cmd
# Cleanup Routine - remove dynamic entries that no longer exist in the lease table
/queue simple
:foreach z in=[find] do={
:local queuecomment [get $z comment]
:local queue1stpart [:pick $queuecomment 0 3]
:local queue2ndpart [:pick $queuecomment 4 21]
:if ( $queue1stpart = "dtq") do={
:if ( [/ip dhcp-server lease find mac-address=$queue2ndpart] = "") do={
:log info ("DTQ: Removing stale entry for MAC Address - " . $queue2ndpart)
remove $z
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Re: Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:30 am

I see many errors, like "set alredyexistentvariable value": miss $ in front of alreadyexistingvariable

When I have time, and if I remember it, I fix this script.
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Re: Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:01 pm


Simple way for someone non tech savvy to figure out who or what is using bandwidth on the router. Individual computers / devices can be rate limited with ease. Virtually maintenance free as script keeps the simple queue table up to date and cleans up after itself.

What it does:

This script scans over the dhcp lease table in ROS to create simple queue entries for each item. It keeps the entries up to date and cleans up stale leases.


Copy the below raw text into a new script entry within routeros.
Schedule the script to run at desired frequency in the routeros scheduler.

For devices shown as just a MAC address within simple queue list you can create a custom name under the dhcp lease table using the comment field.
Hi dignome, your script is flawless... I made a small addition to discriminate between a range (minimum and maximum) of ip's to thereby able to make different rules to different customers.

P.S.: I tried to do with network mask but I have not succeeded

Thanks, Bernardo.
# DHCP Lease to Simple Queues
# 2014 Lonnie Mendez (
# Mikrotik RouterOS v6.9
/ip dhcp-server lease
:foreach x in=[find] do={
# grab variables for use below
:local leaseaddr ([get $x address])
:local leasemacaddr [get $x mac-address]
:local leasehostname [get $x host-name]
:local leasename [get $x comment]
:local queuecomment

:local minlimit
:local maxlimit
:local leaseinqueue false
/queue simple
:foreach y in=[find] do={
#grab variables for use below
:local queuetargetaddr [get $y target]
:set queuecomment [get $y comment]
# Isolate information  from the comment field (MAC, Hostname)
:local queuemac [:pick $queuecomment 4 21]
:local queuehostname [:pick $queuecomment 22 [:len $queuecomment]]
# If MAC from lease matches the queue MAC then refresh the queue item
:if ($queuemac = $leasemacaddr) do={
# build a comment field
:set queuecomment ("dtq," . $leasemacaddr . "," . $leasehostname)
set $y target=$leaseaddr comment=$queuecomment
:if ($leasename != "") do= {
set $y name=($leasename . " (" . $leasemacaddr . ")")
} else= {
:if ($leasehostname != "") do= {
set $y name=($leasehostname . " (" . $leasemacaddr . ")")
} else= {
set $y name=$leasemacaddr
:set leaseinqueue true
} else= {
# if ip exists for this lease but mac is different then update mac/hostname and reset counter
:if ($queuetargetaddr = $leaseaddr) do={
# build a comment field
:set queuecomment ("dtq," . $leasemacaddr . "," . $leasehostname)
set $y comment=$queuecomment
reset-counters $y
:if ($leasename != "") do= {
set $y name=($leasename . " (" . $leasemacaddr . ")")
} else= {
:if ($leasehostname != "") do= {
set $y name=($leasehostname . " (" . $leasemacaddr . ")")
} else= {
set $y name=$leasemacaddr
:set leaseinqueue true
# There was not an existing entry so add one for this lease
:if ($leaseinqueue = false) do={
# build a comment field
:set queuecomment ("dtq," . $leasemacaddr . "," . $leasehostname)
# build command
:local cmd "/queue simple add target=$leaseaddr max-limit=128k/2M comment=$queuecomment"
:if ($leasename != "") do={ 
:set cmd "$cmd name=\"$leasename ($leasemacaddr)\"" 
} else= {
:if ($leasehostname != "") do={
:set cmd "$cmd name=\"$leasehostname ($leasemacaddr)\""
} else= {
:set cmd "$cmd name=\"$leasemacaddr\""
# If within the range is executed
:if ($leaseaddr >= $minlimit && $leaseaddr <= $maxlimit) do={
:execute $cmd
# Cleanup Routine - remove dynamic entries that no longer exist in the lease table
/queue simple
:foreach z in=[find] do={
:local queuecomment [get $z comment]
:local queue1stpart [:pick $queuecomment 0 3]
:local queue2ndpart [:pick $queuecomment 4 21]
:if ( $queue1stpart = "dtq") do={
:if ( [/ip dhcp-server lease find mac-address=$queue2ndpart] = "") do={
:log info ("DTQ: Removing stale entry for MAC Address - " . $queue2ndpart)
remove $z
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Re: Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:14 pm

I recently needed to create queues for DHCP entries, and I used a much simpler solution... The following script is applied as lease-script:
:local queueName "Guest $leaseActMAC";

:if ($leaseBound = "1") do={
    /queue simple add name=$queueName parent=GUESTS place-before="Guest STATIC" target=($leaseActIP . "/32") max-limit=10M/10M comment=[/ip dhcp-server lease get [find where active-mac-address=$leaseActMAC && active-address=$leaseActIP] host-name];
} else={
    /queue simple remove $queueName
Where the parent queue "GUESTS" contains the total to be divided between users. And as you can see, each user gets 10Mbps upload and download... Adjust accordingly ifyou prefer some other rates.

Whenever a DHCP entry expires (or is forcefully removed), the lease-script is invoked with $leaseBound set to "0", so this takes care of both adding and removing queues.
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Re: Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Wed Mar 09, 2016 5:35 pm

I recently needed to create queues for DHCP entries, and I used a much simpler solution... The following script is applied as lease-script:
:local queueName "Guest $leaseActMAC";

:if ($leaseBound = "1") do={
    /queue simple add name=$queueName parent=GUESTS place-before="Guest STATIC" target=($leaseActIP . "/32") max-limit=10M/10M comment=[/ip dhcp-server lease get [find where active-mac-address=$leaseActMAC && active-address=$leaseActIP] host-name];
} else={
    /queue simple remove $queueName
Where the parent queue "GUESTS" contains the total to be divided between users. And as you can see, each user gets 10Mbps upload and download... Adjust accordingly ifyou prefer some other rates.

Whenever a DHCP entry expires (or is forcefully removed), the lease-script is invoked with $leaseBound set to "0", so this takes care of both adding and removing queues.
Can you please specify how to add a lease script?
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Re: Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:32 pm

Can you please specify how to add a lease script?
From Winbox (or AFAIK, in WebFig it's the same...), go to the "IP > DHCP Server" menu, and at the "DHCP" tab, double click on the DHCP server you want to add a script to. Paste/write the script into the text box at the bottom (where just above it, it says "Lease script:").
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Re: Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Tue Aug 23, 2016 1:15 am

Hello, I´m just trying to excute the script manually to test it, but unfortunatelly aparently do nothing. The simple queues list don´t have nothing to show. What are the correct policies to run this script? Is compatible with routeros 6.34.4?. I´m trying that one of the users of the local network don´t use all the bandwith and the rest won´t have internet.

I recently needed to create queues for DHCP entries, and I used a much simpler solution... The following script is applied as lease-script:
:local queueName "Guest $leaseActMAC";

:if ($leaseBound = "1") do={
    /queue simple add name=$queueName parent=GUESTS place-before="Guest STATIC" target=($leaseActIP . "/32") max-limit=10M/10M comment=[/ip dhcp-server lease get [find where active-mac-address=$leaseActMAC && active-address=$leaseActIP] host-name];
} else={
    /queue simple remove $queueName
Where the parent queue "GUESTS" contains the total to be divided between users. And as you can see, each user gets 10Mbps upload and download... Adjust accordingly ifyou prefer some other rates.

Whenever a DHCP entry expires (or is forcefully removed), the lease-script is invoked with $leaseBound set to "0", so this takes care of both adding and removing queues.
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Re: Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Tue Aug 23, 2016 5:12 am

Hello, I´m just trying to excute the script manually to test it, but unfortunatelly aparently do nothing.
This script requires the DHCP variables injected when the lase-script is ran, so you can't just run this from terminal. You need values for $leaseActMAC and $leaseActIP, which actually correspond with a pre-existing lease.

I'd suggest that to test that, you apply it to a real DHCP server, but if you want to make sure limitations don't go into effect, just create queues that are disabled on their creation, i.e.:
/queue simple add disabled=yes ...
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Re: Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Sun Sep 04, 2016 3:13 am

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Re: Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Thu Mar 15, 2018 12:00 pm


I am curious about this script,

Does any one know if the Queues will limit the Target immediately or only if there are many other leases assigned ?

Any info will be hugely appreciated.
Thanks in advance
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Re: Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Sat Nov 17, 2018 5:36 pm

I recently needed to create queues for DHCP entries, and I used a much simpler solution... The following script is applied as lease-script:
:local queueName "Guest $leaseActMAC";

:if ($leaseBound = "1") do={
    /queue simple add name=$queueName parent=GUESTS place-before="Guest STATIC" target=($leaseActIP . "/32") max-limit=10M/10M comment=[/ip dhcp-server lease get [find where active-mac-address=$leaseActMAC && active-address=$leaseActIP] host-name];
} else={
    /queue simple remove $queueName
Where the parent queue "GUESTS" contains the total to be divided between users. And as you can see, each user gets 10Mbps upload and download... Adjust accordingly ifyou prefer some other rates.

Whenever a DHCP entry expires (or is forcefully removed), the lease-script is invoked with $leaseBound set to "0", so this takes care of both adding and removing queues.
Thank bro for this scrip I needed this script 1 month ago when I had to create several individual queues ,:-((((((
I can confirm that it works perfectly in 6.43.4.
by the way, I upload the post because the scrip is very interesting and very simple.

Greetings and thanks again

edit: speak too fast, , seems to add the queues well but does not eliminate the queue when the entires expires o forced :-( . any help :-)
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Re: Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Mon Feb 11, 2019 6:14 am

I recently needed to create queues for DHCP entries, and I used a much simpler solution... The following script is applied as lease-script:
:local queueName "Guest $leaseActMAC";

:if ($leaseBound = "1") do={
    /queue simple add name=$queueName parent=GUESTS place-before="Guest STATIC" target=($leaseActIP . "/32") max-limit=10M/10M comment=[/ip dhcp-server lease get [find where active-mac-address=$leaseActMAC && active-address=$leaseActIP] host-name];
} else={
    /queue simple remove $queueName
Where the parent queue "GUESTS" contains the total to be divided between users. And as you can see, each user gets 10Mbps upload and download... Adjust accordingly ifyou prefer some other rates.

Whenever a DHCP entry expires (or is forcefully removed), the lease-script is invoked with $leaseBound set to "0", so this takes care of both adding and removing queues.
Saved me Hours trying to do this myself
The remove at the end is Genius
Kudos, Upvotes and Gold to you Sir
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Re: Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Fri Oct 25, 2019 7:23 am

wait....with /22 no work. help please.
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Re: Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Tue Sep 13, 2022 12:24 pm

Woooow this works perfectly thanks!!!
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Re: Script - DHCP Lease to Simple Queues

Sun Dec 31, 2023 10:48 am

Please help to modifying script "DHCP Lease to Simple Queues" to work on Mikrotik RouterOS v7.13
Note that the script worked well on the previous version Mikrotik RouterOS v6.9