I have a 4mb down and 512k up connection and am trying to prioritize traffic.
I have a PC that downloads all day long.
My PC that I use for browsing is
I want the Downloading PC to have full use of the bandwidth available. If My PC for browsing gets used then it must have full priority on all available bandwidth. Ideally I would like the downloading machine to be restricted to as close to zero bandwidth.
I have done some research online and have setup the following queues
/queue simple
add max-limit=512k/4M name="All Traffic" target=
add max-limit=512k/4M name=Beast parent="All Traffic" priority=1/1 target=
add max-limit=512k/4M name=Downloader parent="All Traffic" target= ( this was set as priority 8 and confirmed in winbox but does not show in export)
add max-limit=512k/4M name=Macweb parent="All Traffic" priority=7/7 target=
The third child rule there is another machine on the network that must have higher priority than the downloader but not more than the browsing PC.
When these rules are setup I can see traffic going to each queue so its being identified fine. However, I tested by maxing donwloads on the downloading machine and then running speedtest.net on the browsing machine. The speed slowly decreases on the downloading machine and settles at around 2mb and the speedtest runs at around 2mb too.
So it looks like it is sharing the traffic equally between the PC's. Am I doing something wrong here?