Yes, it will be nice have APs in the sync for transmit. But this can be done without GPS. We need to have the same time on all towers but this time do not must be in sync with world time (UTC). And this is work for PTPv2 protocol (precise time protocol - IEEE1588).
If you have infrastructure where the towers have uplinks builded on the fiber Ethernet or full duplex radios, then can be very precisely synchronized the APs without GPS. PTPv2 protocol is capable with normal hardware a microsecond precision which probably is sufficient (with network cards and Ethernet switches with PTPv2 hardware support then is precision about 20 nanoseconds).
So we can have (gor example) one CCR1036 in the region, it have links to the towers (fiber, metalic, full duplex radios) and it runs as grandmaster clock for this region (PTPv2 server), the APs synchronize as PTPv2 clients to the master's time. This CCR can be synchronized with normal NTP. It is not important, that CCR do not have exactly correct world time but the APs with PTPv2 supports will have the same time as master.
Ofcourse, if the towers uplinks use normal half duplex wifi links then PTPv2 will not be more precise that NTP.
So Mikrotik, please take look on the software PTPv2 implementation for unixes: