Hello ! I have a problem since I had to exchange a RB800 after a blackout caused through lightning strikes.
It shows full connection speed , running nv2 protocol but I can´t get data throughput ! The bandwidth test also works great without any connection loss, ping is also good, as well as traceroutes but clients can´t open http pages !
Tried everything atm .
here are my configs maybe someone could help me out :
/interface bridge
add l2mtu=1500 name=bridge1
/interface ethernet
set [ find default-name=ether1 ] speed=1Gbps
/interface vpls
add disabled=no l2mtu=1500 mac-address=02:CE:80:CA:D3:6E name=KTVEVPLS \
remote-peer= vpls-id=1:1
/interface wireless security-profiles
set [ find default=yes ] group-ciphers="" supplicant-identity=MikroTik \
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk eap-methods="" management-protection=\
allowed mode=dynamic-keys name=KTVESec supplicant-identity="" \
wpa-pre-shared-key=XXXXX wpa2-pre-shared-key=XXXXX
/interface wireless
set [ find default-name=wlan1 ] band=5ghz-onlyn channel-width=\
20/40mhz-ht-above default-authentication=no disabled=no frequency=5200 \
hide-ssid=yes ht-ampdu-priorities=0,1,2,3,4 ht-rxchains=0,1 \
s-9,mcs-10,mcs-11,mcs-12,mcs-13,mcs-14,mcs-15" ht-txchains=0,1 \
hw-retries=4 l2mtu=2290 mode=bridge mtu=1526 nv2-preshared-key=XXXXX \
nv2-security=enabled periodic-calibration=disabled security-profile=\
KTVESec ssid=XXXX tx-power=6 tx-power-mode=card-rates wireless-protocol=\
/interface wireless manual-tx-power-table
set wlan1 manual-tx-powers="1Mbps:17,2Mbps:17,5.5Mbps:17,11Mbps:17,6Mbps:17,9M\
/ip neighbor discovery
set wlan1 discover=no
/ip hotspot user profile
set [ find default=yes ] idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
/ip ipsec proposal
set [ find default=yes ] enc-algorithms=3des
set 0 flow-control=hardware name=serial0
set 1 flow-control=hardware name=serial1
/queue type
add kind=pcq name=downstream pcq-classifier=dst-address
/queue tree
add max-limit=150M name=all-download parent=KTVEVPLS queue=default
add limit-at=15M max-limit=150M name=slow parent=all-download queue=default
add name="SM Basic" packet-mark=smbasicpack parent=slow queue=downstream
add name="SM Pro" packet-mark=smpropack parent=slow queue=downstream
add limit-at=50M max-limit=150M name=normal parent=all-download priority=4 \
add name="Media Access" packet-mark="media access pack" parent=normal \
priority=4 queue=downstream
add name="Media Basic" packet-mark="media basic pack" parent=normal priority=\
4 queue=downstream
add name="Media Pro" packet-mark="media pro pack" parent=normal priority=4 \
add limit-at=30M max-limit=150M name=premium parent=all-download priority=3 \
add name=business packet-mark=businesspack parent=premium priority=3 queue=\
add max-limit=150M name=VOIP packet-mark=VOIPPack parent=all-download \
priority=1 queue=default
add max-limit=150M name=Management packet-mark="Management Pack" parent=\
all-download priority=2 queue=default
add name=noid packet-mark=no-mark parent=slow queue=downstream
/snmp community
set [ find default=yes ] addresses=x.x.x.x/32 name=bkdat
/system logging action
set 0 memory-lines=100
set 1 disk-lines-per-file=100
set 3 remote=
/interface bridge port
add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether1
add bridge=bridge1 interface=KTVEVPLS
/interface bridge settings
set use-ip-firewall=yes
/interface wireless access-list
add interface=wlan1 mac-address=00:0C:42:61:8A:53
/interface wireless align
set receive-all=yes ssid-all=yes
/ip address
add address= comment="default configuration" interface=ether1 \
add address= interface=wlan1 network=
/ip firewall mangle
add action=jump chain=prerouting comment=\
"Jump to Traffic-Marking if already marked connection" connection-mark=\
!no-mark jump-target=MarkTraffic
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment=\
"Mark SMBasic Connections" dscp=40 new-connection-mark=smbasic
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="Mark SMPro Connections" \
dscp=41 new-connection-mark=smpro
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment=\
"Mark Media Access Connections" dscp=42 new-connection-mark=\
"media access"
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment=\
"Mark Media Basic Connections" dscp=43 new-connection-mark="media basic"
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment=\
"Mark Media Pro Connections" dscp=44 new-connection-mark="media pro"
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment=\
"Mark Business Connections" dscp=45 new-connection-mark=business
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="Mark VOIP" dst-address=\ new-connection-mark=VOIP
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="Mark Management" \
dst-address= new-connection-mark=Management
add action=jump chain=prerouting comment=\
"Jump to Traffic-Marking after marking connection" connection-mark=\
!no-mark jump-target=MarkTraffic
add action=mark-packet chain=MarkTraffic comment="All SM Basic Traffic" \
connection-mark=smbasic new-packet-mark=smbasicpack passthrough=no
add action=mark-packet chain=MarkTraffic comment="All SM Pro Traffic " \
connection-mark=smpro new-packet-mark=smpropack passthrough=no
add action=mark-packet chain=MarkTraffic comment="All Media Access Traffic" \
connection-mark="media access" new-packet-mark="media access pack" \
add action=mark-packet chain=MarkTraffic comment="All Media Basic Traffic" \
connection-mark="media basic" new-packet-mark="media basic pack" \
add action=mark-packet chain=MarkTraffic comment="All Media Pro Traffic" \
connection-mark="media pro" new-packet-mark="media pro pack" passthrough=\
add action=mark-packet chain=MarkTraffic comment="All Business Traffic" \
connection-mark=business new-packet-mark=businesspack passthrough=no
add action=mark-packet chain=MarkTraffic comment="All VOIP Traffic" \
connection-mark=VOIP new-packet-mark=VOIPPack passthrough=no
add action=mark-packet chain=MarkTraffic comment="All Management Traffic" \
connection-mark=Management new-packet-mark="Management Pack"
add action=passthrough chain=prerouting comment=\
"Not handled by Traffic Rules"
/ip proxy
set max-cache-size=none parent-proxy=
/ip route
add distance=1 gateway=
/ip service
set telnet disabled=yes
set ftp address=x.x.x.x/28
set www disabled=yes
set ssh address=x.x.x.x/28
set api disabled=yes
set winbox address=x.x.x.x/28
/mpls interface
set [ find default=yes ] mpls-mtu=1526
/mpls ldp
set enabled=yes lsr-id= transport-address=
/mpls ldp interface
add interface=wlan1
/queue interface
set ether3 queue=ethernet-default
set ether1 queue=ethernet-default
set ether2 queue=ethernet-default
set enabled=yes trap-target=
/system clock
set time-zone-name=Europe/Vienna
/system identity
set name=NOC
/system logging
add topics=system
add topics=wireless,debug
/system ntp client
set enabled=yes mode=unicast primary-ntp=x.x.x.x secondary-ntp=\
/system scheduler
add name=Reboot on-event="/system reboot" policy=reboot start-date=\
apr/28/2010 start-time=23:30:00
/tool sniffer
set file-limit=10KiB filter-ip-address=x.x.x.x/32 filter-mac-protocol=\
ip filter-stream=yes memory-scroll=no
/interface bridge
add l2mtu=1500 name=bridge1
/interface ethernet
set [ find default-name=ether1 ] speed=1Gbps
/interface vpls
add disabled=no l2mtu=1500 mac-address=02:AB:87:ED:87:AC name=VPLS \
remote-peer= vpls-id=1:1
/interface wireless security-profiles
set [ find default=yes ] group-ciphers="" supplicant-identity=MikroTik \
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk eap-methods="" management-protection=\
allowed mode=dynamic-keys name=KTVESec supplicant-identity="" \
/interface wireless
set [ find default-name=wlan1 ] band=5ghz-onlyn channel-width=\
20/40mhz-ht-above disabled=no frequency=5200 ht-ampdu-priorities=\
0,1,2,3,4 ht-rxchains=0,1 ht-supported-mcs="mcs-0,mcs-1,mcs-2,mcs-3,mcs-4,\
mcs-5,mcs-6,mcs-7,mcs-8,mcs-9,mcs-10,mcs-11,mcs-12,mcs-13,mcs-14,mcs-15" \
ht-txchains=0,1 hw-retries=4 l2mtu=2290 mtu=1526 nv2-preshared-key=\
Bk2001Net nv2-security=enabled periodic-calibration=disabled \
security-profile=KTVESec ssid=XXXXX tx-power=6 tx-power-mode=card-rates
/interface wireless manual-tx-power-table
set wlan1 manual-tx-powers="1Mbps:17,2Mbps:17,5.5Mbps:17,11Mbps:17,6Mbps:17,9M\
/ip neighbor discovery
set wlan1 discover=no
/ip hotspot user profile
set [ find default=yes ] idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
/ip ipsec proposal
set [ find default=yes ] enc-algorithms=3des
set 0 flow-control=hardware name=serial0
set 1 flow-control=hardware name=serial1
/snmp community
set [ find default=yes ] addresses=x.x.x.x/32 name=xxxx
/system logging action
set 0 memory-lines=100
set 1 disk-lines-per-file=100
set 3 remote=
/interface bridge port
add bridge=bridge1 interface=KTVEVPLS
add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether1
/ip address
add address= comment="default configuration" interface=ether1 \
add address= interface=wlan1 network=
/ip proxy
set max-cache-size=none parent-proxy=
/ip route
add distance=1 gateway=
/ip service
set telnet disabled=yes
set ftp address=x.x.x.x/28
set www disabled=yes
set ssh address=x.x.x.x/28
set api disabled=yes
set winbox address=x.x.x.x/28
/mpls interface
set [ find default=yes ] mpls-mtu=1526
/mpls ldp
set enabled=yes lsr-id= transport-address=
/mpls ldp interface
add interface=wlan1
/queue interface
set ether3 queue=ethernet-default
set ether1 queue=ethernet-default
set ether2 queue=ethernet-default
set enabled=yes trap-target=
/system clock
set time-zone-name=Europe/Vienna
/system identity
set name=KTVE
/system ntp client
set enabled=yes mode=unicast primary-ntp=x.x.x.x
/system scheduler
add name=schedule1 on-event="/system reboot" policy=reboot start-date=\
apr/28/2010 start-time=23:30:00
/tool sniffer
set file-limit=10KiB filter-interface=wlan1 filter-mac-protocol=!ip \
filter-stream=yes memory-limit=10KiB memory-scroll=no