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Gaming QOS

Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:30 am

I'm wanting to start a discussing here.

I have a client who wants me to setup QOS for his gaming cafe which means applying QOS for the individual games.
I have seen many methods on how to do this but I'm now looking for the best method to go about this, so i come to you guys.

All suggestions are appreciated.
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Re: Gaming QOS

Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:01 pm

Is the connection just for gaming traffic, or is it shared with other types of traffic?
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Re: Gaming QOS

Tue Aug 12, 2014 7:32 am

it is a gaming cafe so mostly gaming traffic.
I'm hoping to hit it with a fine tooth comb, pt things like COD and other FPS games a head of things like minecraft.
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Re: Gaming QOS

Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:43 am

It is all about trying and sniffing traffic. take one PC - enable sniffer on interface and start one-by-one playing games and look at what dst-port or what server dst-address ranges games are using.

Then when you have full list - go into mangle chain forward and create rules to mark all that traffic with special packet mark. mark everything else with other mark

Make a queue tree with small tree - parent, one queue for games, other for rest of the traffic. make game queue higher priority.
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Re: Gaming QOS

Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:43 am

hmmm, that seems like the best way and i've thought a long those lines.
Some servers of game have their port hard coded, those games i can isolate via the port used.
Other games allow you to specify your server port so i can't use the same method an will either have to keep tracking down a servers port or ip address.

then there comes the part of trying to keep this hands off as possible.
I doubt the client will want to call me in every time there is a new game he's installed or another server needs to be added to the list.

I wonder, is it possible for the Mtik to query info off of a txt file.
maybe making a txt file with a list of server ips and the queue it belongs to, structured so that a script could understsnd it. not only will this mean the client is able to add and remove servers without having to be taught Mtik but it will also allow multiple Mtiks to update themselves so i don't have to run around everywhere.

if this works then i'd rather QOS via server address than port and have the details as a text file on a server that the Mtiks can access to do updates once a day.
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Re: Gaming QOS

Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:17 am


I haven't fully read into this but this could be the solution. ... ress_Lists
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Re: Gaming QOS

Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:50 pm

Okay, i may need some help with this from someone who is more proficient at scripting than I.

I have tried that script and despite not seeing any syntax errors it will not work and i don't know why.

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