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Static IP problem

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:56 am
by matjazr
i am editing my router by web
model of router is rb951g-2hnd

i try to edit router on static IP from provider. I have like this:
Address Acquisition - static
WAN IP Address - i put static IP from ISP
gateway from my ISP
dns: &

than i click apply....after rebooting of router .....router fail in some mode....LED blinking....have internet....but not IP (static) which i wrote ....

what to do?

Re: Static IP problem

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 4:30 pm
by jarda
It can be many things. Seems you are not familiar with networking at all. I would suggest to remove the configuration and set it thru winbox from scratch.