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HTTP delete method access denied

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:09 pm
by niren
I have configured mikrotik router 750GL with broad band connection. I tried access delete method of any site but I get access denied as result, If I try same delete method through other router then I can able to access the site(I get some response but not like access denied). I used chrome's postman extension to test delete method is working or not through mikrotik router. The error I'm getting in postman is
        <TITLE>Access Denied</TITLE>
    <BODY BGCOLOR="white" FGCOLOR="black">
        <H1>Access Denied</H1>
            <FONT FACE="Helvetica,Arial">
Description: You are not allowed to access the document you requested.
All methods are working except delete and purge methods. I tried disable all rules in firewall but still same problem. Is this mikrotik router's default behavior? If so have can I overcome this?


The problem is with Static IP. We have other broadband connection which is PPPoE connection there I have dynamic IP assigned and there delete method is working, I tried this test like connected PPPoE connection with mikrotik router then delete method is working. But when I tried connect Static IP connection back to mikrotik router then delete method is not working. NOTE: Both broadband(static IP and PPPoE) service provider is same.