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Two interfece one ip address

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:18 am
by erizetael
Really need some help..
Can i configure two ethernets to one ip address? my purpose is setting two APs on my hostspot pc router with mikrotik that has 4 ethernet ports.
Port 1 ----> to Internet provider
Port 2 ----> to Ap 1
Port 3 ----> to Ap 2

Can i combine port 2 and port 3 become one ip address? Or any idea for this topology? My need is build hotspot with two APs.

Re: Two interfece one ip address

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:34 am
by BartoszP
Make Port2 master of Port3. They will act as one port with MAC of Port2 so assign IP to Port2.

Re: Two interfece one ip address

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:43 am
by mrphreak
Make Port2 master of Port3. They will act as one port with MAC of Port2 so assign IP to Port2.
Does that work on x86 with NICs (I assume because he's talking of a hotspot pc with 4 interfaces)??

Otherwise create a bridge, put port 2 and 3 in it and put the ip address on the bridge

Re: Two interfece one ip address

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:09 am
by erizetael
Make Port2 master of Port3. They will act as one port with MAC of Port2 so assign IP to Port2.
Does that work on x86 with NICs (I assume because he's talking of a hotspot pc with 4 interfaces)??

Otherwise create a bridge, put port 2 and 3 in it and put the ip address on the bridge
If i create a bridge from port 2 and port 3, how about its performance? And how if two APs combined with a switch, so from port 2 on pc router link to the switch.. is this best topology?Or any idea? sorry for my bad english..thanks for replaying my problem...

Re: Two interfece one ip address

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:36 am
by flipk12
Really need some help..
Can i configure two ethernets to one ip address? my purpose is setting two APs on my hostspot pc router with mikrotik that has 4 ethernet ports.
Port 1 ----> to Internet provider
Port 2 ----> to Ap 1
Port 3 ----> to Ap 2

Can i combine port 2 and port 3 become one ip address? Or any idea for this topology? My need is build hotspot with two APs.
If you have a PC with four interfaces, without a switch chip, the only way to do that is to use a bridge between 2 and 3 I think. A switch will do it better. Put all de AP on it and connect it to one of the interfaces. Use routers for routing and switches for switching.