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Problems With Hotmail Access

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 8:21 pm
by fpascual
I have a customer with a mikrotik behind an ADSL connection, this is the problem:

The hotmail page open ok, but when put a user/pass data redirect to https:/ and the page doesn´t open (white screen, like time out). I probe connected a laptop directly to the adsl and work OK.
The mikrotik firewall don´t block this type of connections, but, I probe disabling the "deny any any" rule at botton at the rules.
I don´t see anything on the logs either.

Please help me, sorry for my english.


Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:19 pm
by andrewluck
Usually an MTU issue.

Search the forum for mangle MSS.

