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wrong serial cable pinout on the wiki?

Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:31 pm

Hi, I've built my serial cable a year ago, and I've looked back at the wiki page today to suggest mikrotik to a friend.

Image seems wrong to me, or at least different from my cable.

My cable is a straight ethernet cable, plus an rj45 F - DB9 F adapter

8 7
7 4
6 3
5 5
4 5
3 2
2 6
1 8

As you can see, both 4 and 5 from rj45 go to pin 5 (GND) on the db9 , but in your image there is only one GND wire, and other wires are different from the table below.

My cable seems working and is built like the pinout table on the wiki says , but please confirm if the image is wrong or if there are more ways to build serial cables...

Thank you
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Re: wrong serial cable pinout on the wiki?

Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:46 pm

Your pinout are like one vega cable.

The mikrotik cable are like cisco cable:


But I'm talking about the rj45 serial port on the new devices, not the old db9 serial port present on ond RB models.
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Re: wrong serial cable pinout on the wiki?

Tue Oct 28, 2014 4:06 pm

Sorry, I still don't understand.

My cable works, so how can it be wrong?

I'm using a straight ethernet cable (not rollover) and a rj45-db9 adapter , wired the way I've posted before.

Again, in the wiki image there are no serial pins connected to TWO wires, while in the table below both 4 and 5 from rj45 go to 5 (ground) from db9.
There are interrupted wires, while in the table every rj45 pin is connected.
tx-rx are 4-5 in the picture, while in the table below 4 and 5 are ground.
pinout read from table is different from what the picture represent.

My cable is built like the table says, and it works.
Image refers to something different, so I'm wondering if it's wrong...
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Re: wrong serial cable pinout on the wiki?

Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:31 pm

Image seems wrong to me, or at least different from my cable.
I brought this up a while ago and it was debated with Normis - ... 72#p443254
The image is wrong.
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Re: wrong serial cable pinout on the wiki?

Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:21 pm

Submitting this as a bug report,
since it is quite confusing.

Thank you