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SSH problem when I try to connect to UniFi AP

Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:08 pm

After we have updated our Ubiquiti UniFi AP to 3.2.1 version, Mikrotik (v6.2) can not connect by ssh. I know, it's a problem with ssh type of security in my Mikrotik, but I don't know the solution.

[admin@MikroTik] /system> ssh user=admin address=
DH_compute_key failed err: 84303974

Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet sending string
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet SSH-2.0-ROSSSH
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug client version: SSH-2.0-dropbear_2013.59
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug transport state: 0 --> 1
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet packet create: 20
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet ----- sending -----
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet => offset:360 [0x168]
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet => size:100 [0x100]
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 0000 0164 0814 4bc9 69ef a1e8 40a9 55f8
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 87d7 a18c eb23 0000 007e 6469 6666 6965
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 2d68 656c 6c6d 616e 2d67 726f 7570 2d65
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 7863 6861 6e67 652d 7368 6132 3536 2c64
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 6966 6669 652d 6865 6c6c 6d61 6e2d 6772
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 6f75 702d 6578 6368 616e 6765 2d73 6861
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 312c 6469 6666 6965 2d68 656c 6c6d 616e
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 2d67 726f 7570 3134 2d73 6861 312c 6469
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 6666 6965 2d68 656c 6c6d 616e 2d67 726f
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 7570 312d 7368 6131 0000 0007 7373 682d
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 6473 7300 0000 3661 6573 3139 322d 6362
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 632c 6165 7331 3238 2d63 6263 2c61 6573
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 3235 362d 6362 632c 626c 6f77 6669 7368
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 2d63 6263 2c33 6465 732d 6362 6300 0000
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 3661 6573 3139 322d 6362 632c 6165 7331
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 3238 2d63 6263 2c61 6573 3235 362d 6362
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet --------------------
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet ----- recieved -----
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet => offset:150 [0x150]
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet => size:100 [0x100]
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 0000 014c 0814 d9da fd5f febf 3521 eee2
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet e862 d56c da88 0000 0050 6469 6666 6965
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 2d68 656c 6c6d 616e 2d67 726f 7570 312d
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 7368 6131 2c64 6966 6669 652d 6865 6c6c
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 6d61 6e2d 6772 6f75 7031 342d 7368 6131
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 2c6b 6578 6775 6573 7332 406d 6174 742e
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 7563 632e 6173 6e2e 6175 0000 000f 7373
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 682d 7273 612c 7373 682d 6473 7300 0000
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 3d61 6573 3132 382d 6374 722c 3364 6573
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 2d63 7472 2c61 6573 3235 362d 6374 722c
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 6165 7331 3238 2d63 6263 2c33 6465 732d
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 6362 632c 6165 7332 3536 2d63 6263 0000
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 003d 6165 7331 3238 2d63 7472 2c33 6465
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 732d 6374 722c 6165 7332 3536 2d63 7472
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 2c61 6573 3132 382d 6362 632c 3364 6573
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 2d63 6263 2c61 6573 3235 362d 6362 6300
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet --------------------
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug kex algo: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug host key algo: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug enc algo CS: aes128-ctr,3des-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,aes256-cbc
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug enc algo SC: aes128-ctr,3des-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,aes256-cbc
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug mac algo CS: hmac-sha1,hmac-md5
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug mac algo SC: hmac-sha1,hmac-md5
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug comp algo CS: none
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug comp algo SC: none
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug packet follows: 0
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug agreed on: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 aes128-cbc aes128-cbc hmac-sha1 hmac-sha1 none none
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet packet create: 30
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet ----- sending -----
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet => offset:144 [0x90]
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet => size:90 [0x90]
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 0000 008c 061e 0000 0080 698e aae5 0fb4
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 655f 0e77 75d3 34bc 72bf 40f5 c282 092b
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 8546 5a3e 1536 8a7d 3076 a028 411c e471
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 4f6b a48f a459 2fc2 5d5c cd36 6b45 d3ba
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet be86 a380 9962 274e dacf fdb3 c05a 236d
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 1081 8f88 5486 9b91 55ef c8f0 1b14 9f10
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 9428 c661 5b3e 7b69 d7d5 a4ce 02bd 24f3
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 6c32 9a4e 447b 36a5 f134 3011 7174 69ca
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet 9ba9 5d76 5db9 862f 10ef 3f46 1f09 cf95
Oct/31/2014 11:59:03 ssh,debug,packet --------------------
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet ----- recieved -----
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet => offset:300 [0x300]
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet => size:100 [0x100]
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet 0000 02fc 051f 0000 01b1 0000 0007 7373
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet 682d 6473 7300 0000 8100 91ac 856a 2306
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet 09fe 3be4 59ca 2be2 3b36 8700 b71f 7baa
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet 5010 fd6d 53c3 4804 6e07 d327 9a98 9698
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet 730a 0596 2cb6 ed0d d85e 44ec 3c70 5944
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet 6841 e9cd b782 323e fb03 c9f8 63f4 afa0
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet 9812 88d7 423a 3dc4 6a59 956a 30ea 086f
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet e355 5bb8 e479 c5ee 2a3e b388 c151 c2f5
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet ddea 1f51 efa5 1d69 e651 b8f0 5459 172c
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet ed49 700f 49b9 bbf2 e97b 0000 0015 00db
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet f488 d09c 8ec7 58c0 741f 4345 0062 f688
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet 9cb2 5d00 0000 806b 2161 4edd ddba f618
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet cb90 24a7 1105 22a9 4f29 61a5 1ce6 cd54
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet 8fd3 9051 5d05 8ba8 58ee 99f8 2331 a2a9
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet 1072 7971 e410 4353 16c8 b690 cfac 86fc
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet 2374 b6f4 339e e098 e41e f751 a69e c10f
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet --------------------
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,error DH_compute_key failed err: 84303974
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug code 0x02000003 closing..
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet packet create: 1
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet ----- sending -----
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet => offset:24 [0x18]
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet => size:18 [0x18]
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet 0000 0014 0601 0000 0003 0000 0000 0000
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet 0000 3cb1 e290 f41c
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug,packet --------------------
Oct/31/2014 11:59:06 ssh,debug closing connection: <> (8)
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Re: SSH problem when I try to connect to UniFi AP

Fri Oct 31, 2014 4:12 pm

update RouterOS to the latest version and try again. I do not remember in exactly what version we added compatibility workaround for our SSH client to be able to connect to weirdly configured ssh servers.
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Re: SSH problem when I try to connect to UniFi AP

Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:33 am

Thanks. I have resolved this problem with routerOS 6.20

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