Can you identify where the water got in? This would be really interesting to know - especially if it was via the LED window.Today I had to replace a NetMetal. It went out of service after 3 days (2 with rain) from installation. I found it full of water.
I have several other installed and only this one was affected, so I suppose it's something like an assembling error more than a design flaw. Will see what happens to the others.
could you send some pictures of bad router so we can see how it looks like. Both - the board and case (the led sticker)Today I had to replace a NetMetal. It went out of service after 3 days (2 with rain) from installation. I found it full of water.
I have several other installed and only this one was affected, so I suppose it's something like an assembling error more than a design flaw. Will see what happens to the others.
I already explained that this a unique situation for one person. Netmetals are waterproof.Will we See an new Revision of Netmetall?
Wer just stop Order of 100 Pieces,
Because we dont Need this issue!
Janisk -all the routers with this problem are eligible for RMA or silicone treatment if so you choose.
Is Mikrotik going to withdraw this production batch?- the earliest batch of NetMetals occasionally included a bad sticker
The affected number is not higher than any general anomaly, the number of returns is within our average. I agree that the issue is very inconvenient for some of you, but please treat this just like any other situation where some device has been found to be defective. This is why the warranty replacement program exists, to replace any kind of unit that has a problem.Is Mikrotik going to withdraw this production batch?- the earliest batch of NetMetals occasionally included a bad sticker
If not, then Mikrotik should report serial numbers.
I've also stopped the ordering proccess of 40 units.
And I am not going to order unless I'm 100% sure that I will not have such problems.
Sending back brand new devices for replacement is not an option for me.
Waiting for reply
It would help us with investigation of this issue, if you could post your serial number and close up photos of the damaged areaWell I don't think the issue has been resolved, I have had two units fail last night, and less than a month old, odly enough I had a quick look inside and the damage looks identical to the problems shown above.