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How to put the remain "Validity"in status, I'm using userman

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:11 am
by anas3009
I'm writing html for status page, I tried a few ways but not succeed,

I want the user to see the remaining days for his account That I set in his profile in UserMan (Validity)

My OS is v6.21


Re: How to put the remain "Validity"in status, I'm using use

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:19 pm
by anas3009
so? is it that hard?!

Re: How to put the remain "Validity"in status, I'm using use

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:15 pm
by anas3009
I tried these:
domain = 
interface-name = ether3 
ip = 
logged-in = yes 
mac = 74:DE:2B:80:37:00 
trial = no 
username = 99999 

User status information: 

idle-timeout = 
idle-timeout-secs = 0 
limit-bytes-in = 3707787966 
limit-bytes-out = 3707787966 
refresh-timeout = 1m 
refresh-timeout-secs = 60 
session-timeout = 
session-timeout-secs = 0 
session-time-left = 
session-time-left-secs = 0 
uptime = 2h13m30s 
uptime-secs = 8010 

Traffic counters, which are available only in the status page: 

bytes-in = 0 
bytes-in-nice = 0 B 
bytes-out = 0 
bytes-out-nice = 0 B 
packets-in = 0 
packets-out = 0 
remain-bytes-in = 3707787966 
remain-bytes-out = 3707787966 

Miscellaneous variables: 

session-id = 
var = 
error = 
error-orig = 
chap-id = $(chap-id) 
chap-challenge = $(chap-challenge) 
popup = $(popup) 
advert-pending = no 
http-status	= $(http-status) 
http-header	= $(http-header) 

radius = $(radius) 
radiusu = $(radiusu) 
radius- = $(radius-) 
radius-u = $(radius-u) 
Till Time = $(u_actualProfileEnd) 
Till Time = %u_actualProfileEnd% 
radius = $(radius<%u_username%>) 

