I have 24 port Mikrtik CloudRouter Switch, not sure what to make of it. I have several Mikrotik routers and while I'm far from being an expert I know how to configure my IP addresses for the various ports, and my routes, and set up PPPoE server if needed or a VPN server. I can not figure this CloudRouter switch thing out. I connect to it via winbox and wow, it looks exactly like the Routers I have set up. So I change the managment IP but then I can not access it via that IP (I can still access it via Winbox /MAC address) .
No matter what I try I can not get any IP address to work so I ended up defaulting it and just plugging stuff into like I would a switch and accessing it via Winbox/MAC.
Next I try to Torch an Interface (Right click on the Interface and click TORCH) and it pops up with the correct port and in both Src and Dst but no data shows up. I look at the interface list and right there it shows 20Mbps of data passing through the port. I try again, nothing.
Is this just the Router OS running on a switch and instead of not including all the router options that don't work they left them there for you to click on and wonder why they don't actually work ?
We had a little shiny red 10 port Mikrotik switch around here a while back and I never could get a management IP to work on it and there was something goofy about Port 1 on the switch.
So , should I be able to torch the interfaces on these things ? Any hints on how to change the management IP address and actually access the switch actually using that address ?
Thanks !