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Schedule not running for backups properly?

Tue Jun 20, 2006 4:46 pm

I have set a script to backup my config and then email them to an email address, once a day at 5 am. from each of my routers (about 20 of them), i copied the config, and placed it on each one exactly the same. it is working perfectly on three of the routers and on the others i get nothing, the script doesnt even run.

Here is the script from one that is working fine:
/ system script 
add name="ebackup" source="/system backup save name=\[/system identity get \
    name\]; /tool e-mail send to=\"\" \
    subject=\(\[/system identity get name\] . \" Backup\"\) file=\(\[/system \
    identity get name\] . \".backup\"\)" \

Here is the schedule from a good one:
/ system scheduler 
add name="email-backup" on-event=ebackup start-date=jun/18/2006 \
    start-time=05:00:00 interval=1d comment="" disabled=no 
Here is the script from one not working:
/ system script 
add name="ebackup" source="/system backup save name=\[/system identity get \
    name\]; /tool e-mail send to=\"\" \
    subject=\(\[/system identity get name\] . \" Backup\"\) file=\(\[/system \
    identity get name\] . \".backup\"\)" \
Here is the schedule from one not working:
/ system scheduler 
add name="email-backup" on-event=ebackup start-date=jun/16/2006 \
    start-time=05:00:00 interval=1d comment="" disabled=no 
and each has an ntp client setup to sync with a main router. and i have double checked that it is working on all of them. they all have the correct time. I have also made sure they are all running the same version, which has been updated to 2.9.26

Also I can do a test run onthe script on all of them and it works fine. just doesnt run on the schedule.

If you need any further information, or can see where my mistake is from this, i would appreciate the help.
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Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:43 pm

Check your firewall, maybe is blocking some ports which is used for sending email to server

I have the same problem
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Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:49 am

I actually got it all working, i had to delete my schedule and recreate it fresh. I also changed it a little too, but i am still not sure what fixed it, either recreating it or the changes i made.

Here is what i have now and it works fine.. go figure...
/ system scheduler 
add name="emailbackup" on-event=ebackup start-date=jun/18/2006 \
    start-time=05:00:00 interval=1d comment="" disabled=no 
I changed the start-date to something closer and real, on some of them it automatically chose some date in 1970.
also got rid of the dash.

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